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Smoh's Profile

62 yr old female psychologist. Hobbies: reading, gardening, reading, Maine coon cats named Loki and Thor, reading, duck tolling retrievers named Happy and Tyrion (Tyri).

Real Name: Susie

Gender: F

Location: Pa

Occupation: Psychologist

Groups: PWB Peeps, Unemployment Chronicles, DK Quilt Guild, New Diarists, Sluts, Shut Down the NRA, Repeal or Amend the Second Amendment (RASA), Firearms Law and Policy, moranbetterDemocrats, PostHuffPost: Connection-Conversation-Community , Mormons on Kos, DK Fans of 90 for 90, Women for Bernie, The Political Revolution, 27 Dollars, Warren Democrats, Beto for Democracy

Hobbies: Gardening, critters

Diaries published: 13 (2173 days since last diary on Tue Dec 26, 2017 at 10:48 AM PST)

Comments posted: 25191 (291 days since last comment on Sun Feb 19, 2023 at 06:23 PM PST)

Diary frequency: seldom

Comment frequency: frequent

Total Recommends: 19263

Total Comment Ratings: 0

Most Recommended Diary: Michelle Speaks! Update x2, 209 comments, 355 recommends

People Following Smoh: 117

Smoh's Most Recent Diaries:

This is just a short reminiscence about my beloved Loki. Mostly pics cuz I don’t feel able to do more. Okay, for some reason I’m unable to add text at the end. I miss my baby horribly, but he died peacefully. I 
by Smoh
Comment Count 106 comments on Tue Dec 26, 2017 at 10:48 AM PST with 139 Recommends
Ai was boared todai an waz readin' over mom’s shoulder. You woundt belief wat ai saw! Nuttin' short ob treason, sedishun ai say!!! Sumpin’ cawled a “breeder” was sendin’ mom pics. Like dis: An mom an da “breeder” r talkin' bout it lyk...
by Smoh
Comment Count 65 comments on Mon Jan 02, 2017 at 09:50 AM PST with 74 Recommends
Las tyme Ai tolds youz a story ‘bout our creek. Dis tyme ai tellz you ‘bout a majick playce ai foun. Furz iz ‘portant to know dat da Richard bery bery sloe. Ai watches berry cairful an wen he let da stoopy puppy owt, ai runs past him. Is stoopy puppy...
by Smoh
Comment Count 31 comments on Tue Nov 29, 2016 at 05:55 AM PST with 49 Recommends
We gotz bak frum vacay at midnight last nite. Da insane puppie, Tyri, ran around like da mayniak he is. Ai was, ob corse, cool. Anywayz, aiz writtin dis for meowmy and she da mayniak tu. She a nut abawt her creek and  yard. Ai lykes da yard tu, but da...
by Smoh
Comment Count 44 comments on Mon Sep 19, 2016 at 11:26 AM PDT with 60 Recommends
At least someone has been glorying in the weather in Eastern PA this winter! Follow on and see the natural effusions of a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, I LOVE snow!
by Smoh
Comment Count 96 comments on Wed Jan 22, 2014 at 11:00 AM PST with 75 Recommends
Those of us who find love, comfort and laughs in the Pootie Diaries have a wonderful opportunity to give back just a little tiny bit to the woman who makes our community possible.
by Smoh
Comment Count 200 comments on Sun Oct 20, 2013 at 05:26 AM PDT with 139 Recommends

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