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TheDMZ's Profile

Diaries published: 6 (644 days since last diary on Fri Mar 04, 2022 at 01:59 PM PST)

Comments posted: 1608 (6 days since last comment on Sat Dec 02, 2023 at 01:55 PM PST)

Diary frequency: seldom

Comment frequency: frequent

Total Recommends: 1630

Total Comment Ratings: 0


People Following TheDMZ: 6

TheDMZ's Most Recent Diaries:

Fiona Hill knows Putin’s mind perhaps better than anyone outside, or maybe even inside, Russia. She and Clifford G. Gaddy wrote the book on him: Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin (The Brookings Institution, 2013). Maura Reynolds, senior editor of...
by TheDMZ
Comment Count 20 comments on Fri Mar 04, 2022 at 01:59 PM PST with 11 Recommends
Tuesday, November 3, 2020, Election Day, has turned out to have been a rolling super-spreader event with no precedent. New Covid-19 infections have exploded in the last 12 days — each and every one of those days (AND FOR THE 1ST TIME) exceeding 100,000...
by TheDMZ
Comment Count 26 comments on Sun Nov 15, 2020 at 07:19 AM PST with 14 Recommends
The LOSER — Trump —  is furious with America over his defeat. He could care less about the spread of Covid-19, even as it is currently plowing through the red states. For yesterday, 11/12/2020, the CDC website...
by TheDMZ
Comment Count 13 comments on Fri Nov 13, 2020 at 06:54 AM PST with 6 Recommends
Let’s pretend that this is Trump singing to his voters. Of course the late Waylon Jennings is infinitely better looking than the ORANGITANG. RIP WAYLON.   DO NOT RIP ORANGITANG. November 3, 2020 is rushing upon us, and we are rushing to vote...
by TheDMZ
Comment Count 6 comments on Thu Oct 29, 2020 at 04:15 AM PDT with 2 Recommends
Pulled the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution up on Wikipedia, and folks it is not going to help us out. Note Section 4 of the 25th (i.e. from Wikipedia article): Section 4: Declaration by vice president and principal officers Section 4. Whenever...
by TheDMZ
Comment Count 22 comments on Fri Oct 09, 2020 at 06:32 AM PDT with 0 Recommends
WE NEED A FIGHT SONG — An open-letter plea to MARK SAFAN (songwriter/singer of WIN IN THE END used in Teen Wolf (1985)).  Dear Mr. Mark Safan,  TheDMZ would request and urge you to rerecord for re-release at the earliest time your WIN IN THE...
by TheDMZ
Comment Count 28 comments on Fri Sep 18, 2020 at 05:08 AM PDT with 1 Recommend

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