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Economaniac's Profile

Groups: Chicago Kossacks, Backyard Bird Racers

Diaries published: 64 (3 days since last diary on Tue Dec 05, 2023 at 07:00 AM PST)

Comments posted: 1713 (1 day since last comment on Wed Dec 06, 2023 at 05:50 PM PST)

Diary frequency: seldom

Comment frequency: frequent

Total Recommends: 1383

Total Comment Ratings: 934

Most Recommended Diary: Sonia Sotomayor : Harriet Miers, 771 comments, 619 recommends

People Following Economaniac: 27

Economaniac's Most Recent Diaries:

On this day, December 5, precisely 400 years ago, a 25-year-old antiquarian and book collector named Edward Dering recorded the first purchase of Shakespeare’s First Folio collection of plays. He ...
by Economaniac
Comment Count 12 comments on Tue Dec 05, 2023 at 07:00 AM PST with 11 Recommends
On November 8th, 1623, publisher Edward Blount registered 18 previously unpublished plays by the author William Shakespeare with the Stationer’s Guild in London. Printing the 36 plays of the folio, over 900 pages of material, had taken almost two years...
by Economaniac
Comment Count 22 comments on Mon Dec 04, 2023 at 06:51 AM PST with 10 Recommends
This is the last of four posts in the series that attempts to make sense of the Jonson elegy To the Memory of my Beloved, The Author William Shakespeare and what he hath left us from the preface materials of the folio. As Wells says, this is the most...
by Economaniac
Comment Count 12 comments on Sun Dec 03, 2023 at 04:32 PM PST with 5 Recommends
This is the 9th post in a series. I have been working the last few years on a book about Shakespeare and the 1623 first folio edition of plays with a particular focus on Ben Jonson and the other figures who played a role with Shakespeare in the writing...
by Economaniac
Comment Count 54 comments on Sat Dec 02, 2023 at 08:28 AM PST with 15 Recommends
In the previous post in this series I introduced Ben Jonson’s First Folio elegy To the Memory of my Beloved, the Author William Shakespeare and offered some observations about the structure and likely sources and references for the poem. In this essay...
by Economaniac
Comment Count 18 comments on Fri Dec 01, 2023 at 03:38 PM PST with 8 Recommends
“Ben Jonson is the person who tells us most about Shakespeare. Ben Jonson was a colleague of Shakespeare, in the sense that some of his plays were put on by Shakespeare’s company, or one of them was, and he clearly, he writes very intimately about...
by Economaniac
Comment Count 36 comments on Thu Nov 30, 2023 at 03:20 PM PST with 14 Recommends

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