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Below you'll find recent contributions related to Denise Oliver Velez's followed authors, tags, and groups.

Title Author Date Comments
White House Picture of the Day for December 8th, 2023
Welcome to White House Picture of the Day (Formerly known as MF Daily and before that, Mojo Friday’s Weekly Open Thread) Showcasing a photo from the White House Photography staff, led by Adam ...
bsegel 12/08/2023 1
Notes from South Asia: BJP Wins State Elections, India, Counteroffensive, Myanmar, Justice in Nepal
Hello, everyone! Welcome to this edition of Notes from South Asia. You can find the previous edition here. Today, we will cover the Indian National Congress’s (INC’s) failure in three state elections in India, The 1027 counter offensive against Myanmar...
AVeng 12/07/2023 7
Ukraine Invasion Day 653: lots of different operational tempos in the battlespaces
Russian forces may be suffering losses along the entire front in Ukraine at a rate close to the rate at which Russia is currently generating new forces. The US pushed for large-scale, combined arms offensives. But Ukraine faced unexpected difficulties...
annieli 12/07/2023 20
IVH: Lush / Gala
Tonight’s selections from Lush’s first album, 1990’s Gala (a compilation of their UK EPs). For a too-brief moment, Lush were the platonic ideal of an underground college band turning their ...
Al Dorado 12/07/2023 23
Overnight News Digest: Earth on the brink of five catastrophic climate tipping points
Tonight’s news awaits your comments. Everyone is encouraged to share their 2¢ or articles, stories, and tweets. This is an open thread.
Magnifico 12/07/2023 19
Top Comments: It's Not the Aurora Borealis, It's... Steve
Here at Top Comments we strive to nourish community by rounding up some of the site's best, funniest, most mojo'd & most ...
gizmo59 12/07/2023 8
PWB Peeps: Open Thread Hannukah!
NB:� strawbale is unable to join us until Saturday, so I am reposting for her. � Please to enjoy! Another of the season’s festivals of light and renewal.
The Marti 12/07/2023 46
Too many people want a Trump dictatorship
There’s no failure of the imagination among us as to the horrors a Trump dictatorship would entail. It’s not a problem of how to explain it to people in simple terms. People understand what a Trump dictatorship means, and some people, way too many...
Alonso del Arte 12/07/2023 8
Special Coverage (For Some Reason) of the 4th GOP 2024 'Primary Debate': 'BradCast' 12/7/2023
Guests: Heather Digby Parton of Salon, 'Driftglass' of 'ProLeft Podcast'... It was debate number four for all of the eligible GOP 2024 primary candidates who decided to show up. And, for reasons best left to one of our guests to explain on today's...
TheBradBlog 12/07/2023 2
Kitchen Table Kibitzing: Back to Yoga For First Time Since Covid
When the news came Monday that the small quiet gym I’d been attending for the past year was closing, I decided it was time for me to move across the street to The Studio in Mill Valley and sign up ...
boatsie 12/07/2023 63
📚 Write On! The audience and the connect.
Hiya, writers and friends. So, last week we were talking about the necessity of engaging readers/audience, and that it’s really pretty biological with them! Some of that has to do with the audience identifying with the characters or situation, and we...
mettle fatigue 12/07/2023 70
A Song of Zion: Chanukkah, oh, Chanukkah!
Ninalyn of the DailyKOS community presents a songfilk: I have a new menorah, I got it just this year I’ll put it in my window to spread Chanukkah cheer! Menorah, my menorah, I got it just this year I’ll put it in my window to spread Chanukkah cheer! I...
Ninalyn 12/07/2023 67
hpg 12/07/2023 201
Cassidy Hutchinson warns that Trump is a feather-triggered fascist with a 'volcanic temper'
Cassidy Hutchinson was once Trump's Chief of Staff Mark Meadow’s right-hand woman. She has a rare gift. She radiates honesty. And in modest, calm tones, Hutchinson conveys Trump’s unstable nature better than a raft of professional pundits. She spoke...
TheCriticalMind 12/07/2023 32
For those who think just one vote won’t make a difference
Every vote counts — and it’s okay to vote for yourself. What Roth didn’t know was that he was casting the decisive ballot in a race that would be determined by one vote. His opponent, Damion Green, had chosen not to vote for himself in the election,...
thehecticdialectic 12/07/2023 3
McCarthy is out, Gaetz is scared, and Dems finally got SWAG!
Pop the cork gang—Kevin McCarthy has decided to take his toys and go home by the end of the year! Democrats are glad, Republicans are mad, but guess who is pissed off the most: Gaetz! That’s right, the guy with the massive eight-head (yah know, as...
sepiasiren 12/07/2023 121
Fake electors everywhere are indicted with Chesebro's help, next week he visits Arizona
The 2020 fake electors in Michigan and Georgia have been charged, the team in Wisconsin just admitted their crimes, and six fake bozos in Nevada were indicted this week. When Democrat Kris Mayes was running for Attorney General in Arizona last year, a...
Mother Mags 12/07/2023 28
More Russian stuff blowing up: Ukrainian sniper details record-breaking shot
The captain has illuminated the seat belt sign. Please return your trays to the upright position. That’s a damn shame about your electric infrastructure. This is reportedly a factory that produces transformers and other electrical equipment. That’s a...
quaoar 12/07/2023 24
Democrats tap George Santos' predecessor in race to fill Santos' seat
Democratic leaders unsurprisingly announced on Thursday that they'd chosen former Rep. Tom Suozzi to be the party's nominee in the closely watched Feb. 13 special election to replace Suozzi's successor, expelled GOP Rep. George Santos. Suozzi has spent...
Jeff Singer 12/07/2023 3
Far-right Republicans are furious after anti-abortion measure dropped from defense bill
House Speaker Mike Johnson has—gasp!— compromised again . The latest version of the $886 billion National Defense Authorization Act, unveiled late Wednesday, does not include Republican measures ...
Laura Clawson 12/07/2023 46
It's high time: 6 Democratic governors urge Biden to push DEA to reschedule marijuana by end of year
Six Democratic governors have sent a letter to President Joe Biden urging the administration�to push the Drug Enforcement Administration to “reschedule”�marijuana as a less dangerous Class III ...
Charles Jay 12/07/2023 52
Heading into Week 2 @COP28: US Taking Scalpel to Negotiating Text.
As COP28 enters its second and final week, the hard work of determining what the participating nations are going to do about fossil fuels begins. The comments of COP President Sultan Al Jaber questioning the science correlating fossil fuels to global...
boatsie 12/07/2023 3
I was scammed and lost everything, don't let it happen to you.
So we decided to flee Indiana. For background, my name is Alexis, I'm a nonbinary trans person, married to my trans husband Ian, and we have 2 kids, Felix, aged 12, and Zinnia age 9. Indiana is currently attempting the "Florida Speedrun" insofar as it...
A Bleeding God 12/07/2023 92
Loyal, angry, and ready to break the law: How Trump plans to staff his Cabinet
In a lot of ways, it’s a dream job: good pay, great benefits, lots of power, and the ability to break the law with impunity. All it requires is surrendering your soul to Donald Trump. Axios ...
Mark Sumner 12/07/2023 52
Cartoon: Musk to Earth
Elon Musk wont take the abuse anymore! He told advertisers (fleeing “X” or “Twitter”) to “go fuck themselves,” but in the end it is Musk who has fucked himself.
laloalcaraz 12/07/2023 7
West Coast Cookbook & Speakeasy Daily Special, Metro Shrimp & Grits Thurs Podcast (Audio)
Today’s West Coast Cookbook & Speakeasy Podcast for our especially special Daily Special, Metro Shrimp & Grits Thursdays, is now available on the Spreaker Player!​​​​​​​ Starting off in the Bistro Cafe, Trump ‘will do whatever is necessary for him to...
justiceputnam 12/07/2023 1
Do Biden and Harris need to propose "Radical Change?"
I got a shock a few weeks ago around a Thanksgiving table that my family and I did not get to share. Our plans for a happy turkey meal together had been dashed by the hosting family getting COVID only a few days before. Trying to make the best of a bad...
rflctammt 12/07/2023 23
Pioneer farming
Welcome to the Street Prophets Coffee Hour cleverly hidden at the intersection of religion and politics. This is an open thread where we can share our thoughts and comments about the day. The ...
Ojibwa 12/07/2023 8
Unholy Moses: Mike Johnson claims God chose him to lead America to a Republican promised land
House Speaker Mike Johnson, whose grand vision for America includes transforming every uterus in the country into a Pez dispenser, is convinced he’s the North American Moses who will lead his people to the Promised Land. What Promised Land does he...
Aldous J Pennyfarthing 12/07/2023 129
Is there something seriously wrong with the American electorate?
The short answer is yes. We have lost the ability to sort through disinformation and determine what is true. We have allowed a drum beat of lies to make us an angry people and lose our optimism. And now, we are teetering on a tight rope between...
Raven100 12/07/2023 155
Georgia GOP shreds diverse districts, defying court order to remedy discrimination
Georgia's Republican-run legislature has passed new maps for Congress , the state Senate , and ...
Stephen Wolf 12/07/2023 18
PWB Theme Thursday: Naughty or Nice?
It’s eighteen�days till Christmas, and some of our furry friends are getting nervous!� Ai reely tried... Being cats (and woozles�and ellyfants�and horsies), it can be hard sometimes to ...
userexists 12/07/2023 136
In the Cold Night: A ShelterBox story
Found this sweet story. Sharing because I liked it. Ooooo Now there is an influencer spot for people to help push ShelterBox on social media! volunteer influencer
TexMex 12/07/2023 2
Today in Congress: Johnson’s inexperience showing; Ukraine stalemate continues
House and Senate negotiators reached agreement on a major defense and national security policy bill, the National Defense Authorization Act, on Wednesday. It’s likely to be the only legislative ...
Joan McCarter 12/07/2023 41
New Civiqs poll: Americans say inflation won't be solved until prices drop
Americans have a very different understanding from economists of what inflation is and how the economy works. The latest Daily Kos/Civiqs survey finds that pluralities of Americans—across party ...
Daniel Donner 12/07/2023 251
Admin note: this story, originally titled "Could it be that the Hamas October 7 attack was "provoked"?," has been retracted due to multiple violations of our Rules of the Road, including disinformation and inadequate evaluation of sources.
Frank Vyan Walton 12/07/2023 151
Another lackluster GOP debate fails to upend dominance of absent front-runner
Republicans held their fourth presidential primary debate, and once again, the likely nominee wasn’t on stage. Let’s be clear: Donald Trump is at nearly 60% in the national polling average, well over 40 percentage points ahead of Florida Gov. Ron...
Laura Clawson 12/07/2023 80
Cartoon: Kevin McCarthy to leave House
A cartoon by Jeff Danziger.
Jeff Danziger 12/07/2023 16
Indians 101: Northwest Coast Killer Whale crests (museum exhibit)
The First Nations of the Northwest Coast have a way of life which is oriented toward the sea.� These peoples lived in permanent villages with complex social organizations. Northwest Coast art, like ...
Ojibwa 12/07/2023 4
New report unsurprisingly shows that profiteers have raised prices well above the rise in costs
A new report from progressive UK.-based think-tanks IPPR and Common Wealth says profiteering played a major role in jacking up prices far above the rise in costs, reinforcing a previous but narrower study showing such an impact. Among other things, the...
Meteor Blades 12/07/2023 134
Cartoon Corner First Thursday
It's that first Thursday again. �It's like it happens every month.� Longer than usual but too soon it ends. http://www....
ynohtnA 12/07/2023 7
Dear GOP: You’ll Never Wash the Stink of Trump Off You or Your Party. Never.
Dear Republicans, After the corruption of the Coolidge and Hoover administrations crashed the world economy, kicking off the Republican Great Depression in 1929, it took your party decades to rid itself of the stink. After Nixon extended the Vietnam...
thomhartmann 12/07/2023 189
West Coast Cookbook & Speakeasy Daily Special Metro Shrimp & Grits Thursdays 8am PT/11am ET
West Coast Cookbook & Speakeasy is Now Open! 8am-9am PT/ 11am-Noon ET for our especially special Daily Specials, Metro Shrimp & Grits Thursdays! Starting off in the Bistro Cafe, Trump ‘will do whatever is necessary for him to take power.’ Then, on the...
justiceputnam 12/07/2023 1
The gag order's back, as is Previous Guy, prior to Monday's testimony in the New York fraud trial
"Trump is really here as a spectator. He did not have to be here until Monday when he's expected to take the stand once again," An angry Donald Trump called New York Attorney General Letitia James a "lunatic" as he attended his $250 million fraud trial...
annieli 12/07/2023 4
Latest letter to Hunter Biden is a prime example of Republican hypocrisy
Republicans provided another textbook example of massive hypocrisy on Wednesday with a letter ordering Hunter Biden to appear for a hearing on Dec. 13. The letter to Hunter’s attorney says that he has no choice. He must appear for a closed-door...
Mark Sumner 12/07/2023 151
Cartoon: Mike Luckovich on anonymity
A cartoon by Mike Luckovich.
Mike Luckovich 12/07/2023 24
Son of Sen. Kevin Cramer (R_ND) caused a police pursuit with fatal outcome for a policeman
Is there an intention to kill implied? I mean mean he might have rammed the car intentionally.… The adult son of Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) led police on a car chase that ended with the death of an officer. CBS News reports that...
ca cokz 12/07/2023 41
Daily Kos Elections Live Digest: 12/7
Welcome to the Daily Kos Elections Live Digest, your liveblog of all of today's campaign news. You can find our collection of public data at Please note: The Live Digest is a Democratic presidential primary-free space. It’s also a...
Daily Kos Elections 12/07/2023 44
An “early” Song of Zion: Revised Biblical Archeology: Parsha Vayeishev
I am posting early but at the usual time later today, expect a posting from Ninalyn who signed up for this week’s posting. As I was working on a post about some archeology articles from Ha’Aretz I noticed a few parallels with this week’s Parsha and one...
thewavethatiam 12/07/2023 13
Morning Digest: One of the biggest Democratic primaries in the country just got underway
The Morning Digest is compiled by David Nir, Jeff Singer, and Stephen Wolf, with additional contributions from the Daily Kos Elections team. Subscribe to The Downballot, our weekly podcast ...
Daily Kos Elections 12/07/2023 6
Cheers and Jeers: Thursday
Breaking News House Republicans said Wednesday they've uncovered fresh evidence of corruption by President Biden, inching them closer to launching a formal impeachment inquiry. According to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), the president was seen...
Bill in Portland Maine 12/07/2023 72
Cartoon: Boy Adventurer Billy Dare in the Ominous Jungle
👉 Get signed Tom the Dancing Bug books with the new SIGNED BOOK COMBO deal!   Info here . And/or get the new On the Trail of Tom the Dancing Bug book signed WITH a hand-drawn illustration!
RubenBolling 12/07/2023 27
Ukraine: Looking back at US assistance and what we can learn from it.
With the latest political debacle in the US congress holding up aid to Ukraine, I wanted to take a step back and assess US aid in general to Ukraine. I’m going to come across harsh and critical of the US and by association the Biden Administration....
Peter Olandt 12/07/2023 62
Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The early legacies of the COVID-19 pandemic
We begin today with David Wallace-Wells of The New York Times, citing a rather obvious underlying reason for continuing American economic pessimism: the COVID-19 pandemic. But in fishing for causes, an obvious contributor is often overlooked: the...
Chitown Kev 12/07/2023 285
12/6 Good News Roundup: Featuring Good News from DK Itself
I’m using my canned outline again, but I’m trying something new this morning—mining DK itself for goodies. We have all sorts of animal, politics, science, and other cheering Diaries to work with, and we can ignore the relatively few Gloom & Doomers. So...
Mokurai 12/07/2023 94
White House Picture of the Day for December 7th, 2023 - 🕎
Welcome to White House Picture of the Day (Formerly known as MF Daily and before that, Mojo Friday’s Weekly Open Thread) Showcasing a photo from the White House Photography staff, led by Adam Schultz. Feel free to join us anytime and share with us what...
bsegel 12/07/2023 8
Top Comments: Some Personal News. The Happy Kind.
The Pelican has landed! But first, a word from our sponsor: Top Comments � recognizes the previous day's � Top Mojo � and strives to promote each day's outstanding comments through nominations ...
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker 12/06/2023 34

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