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Daily Kos member

Denise Oliver Velez's groups.

Group Last Diary
50 State Strategy Project
An off shoot of the DK Fans of 90 for 90 group, the 50State Strategy Group will focus on city, county and state action. All working toward the same goal; electing more and better Democrats, city by city, state by state, until we have a country.
A Home for Wings and Aji
We gather in support of our friends, and friends of this site, Aji and Wings, as they try to raise funds to replace their lost home and move out of the old and dangerous travel trailer that's been their shelter for seven years.
A Lake for Lin: Supporting an Eco-Warrior In the Fight of Her Life
We are friends of Linda McClure/Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse (PDNC) who are determined to create a lake of resources, hope, healing, and love for her in this fight of her life against a cancer diagnosis that has given her only weeks or months. We are raising funds to enable her to pursue whatever treatment protocols may be open to her to save her life, and to give her support, resources, and peace of mind over the months to come. This group is purely logistical: for the staging and scheduli...
Abolish the Death Penalty
Committed to Abolition of the Death Penalty in the United States and Around the World.
African Issues
African Issues is focused on expanding knowledge of the continent.
An Ear for Music
A group to share and explore many different genres of music: folk, classical, pop, country, oldies, world. Sometimes the selections focus on a political subject - as music often does. Mostly it's just showcasing good music of all sorts.
APA Kos : Asian/Pacific Americans at DailyKos
A group for exploring issues that affect the Asian/Pacific American community. All are welcome to participate, and themes such as APA history and experiences, APA candidates and politicians, and APA community issues are encouraged. NOW SEEKING EDITORS!
Art Journaling for Progressives
No longer active
Barriers and Bridges
Created to facilitate conversations about race and racism. We invite people to share their personal experiences and perspectives. We will also be providing links to interesting articles and teaching tools. We plan to republish relevant posts from other groups and writers at Daily Kos.
Biden Harris Administration
A group to share news about the Biden/Harris Administration as Joe and Kamala restore the soul of America. No malarkey!
Black Kos community
Black Kos community group. This group publishes diaries that cover a broad range of topics including black history, the arts, politics, and the culture of peoples of African descent worldwide.
Bloggers Against Torture
Discussion of human rights abuses, indefinite detention of individuals in the "war on terror" and US criminal justice system, discussion of legislative changes, in an effort to increase public awareness and document candidates' positions on human rights in upcoming elections.
Bring Home our Girls
On April 14, 2014, 276 schoolgirls were kidnapped from their school in Chibok, Nigeria. Since then, some of the teenagers have managed to escape; the vast majority of them, however, are still being held captive. The mission of this group will be to seek out and publicize efforts to bring home our girls. This group may or may not be dismantled once the girls are returned to their loved ones.
Bye Don AKA Biden 2020
The Joe Biden 2020 Group.
ClassWarfare Newsletter: WallStreet VS Working Class Global Occupy movement
(THE WORKING CLASS OCCUPY MOVEMENT HAS MOVED BEYOND JUST WALL STREET)! Our group was Co founded by METEOR BLADES and DEMOCRATS RAMSHIELD. Meet our blog editors which are some of your favorate writers: teacherken,slinkerwink,X,Laurence Lewis,boatsie,LaFeminista,Eclectablog, MinistryOfTruth,xxdr zombiexx,Barbara Morrill,JekyllnHyde,Jake McIntyre, Eclectablog,Ojibwa,icebergslim,BruinKid,CityLightsLover,Mentatmark to name but a few. As members of the MOST PROLIFIC AND LARGEST GROUP AT THE DAILY KOS...
Community Contributors Team
This group features content written by participants in the Daily Kos Community Contributors program, under the direction of Managing Editor Jessica Sutherland. Group Logo by Myriams-Fotos, via Pixabay
Community Fundraisers
"Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." ~ Desmond Tutu
Covid19 State by State
A temporary group to aggregate diaries by anyone who wishes to contribute informative pieces based on FACTS only. Reports are to be dependent on statistics from health departments, newspaper articles, and media originating with government and health OFFICIALS. Opinions and anecdotes will be welcome in comments. The duration of the Group will be throughout the duration of the pandemic in the USA.
Crowdsourcing the 50 State Strategy
We as a party and a movement need to reflect on the fact that we actually need candidates on the ballot to win elections at the local level. Many offices run unopposed. One of Daily Kos's greatest strengths as a community is to serve as a collective-think-tank-activist platform. Join us to document the Congressional candidate filing deadlines in your state and to propose who we can recruit. We can crowdsource this. Let the research, brainstorming, and outreach begin. Who wants to join us in org...
Daily Kos
The Front Page, managed by Daily Kos editorial staff.
Daily Kos Foreign Language Edition Group Newsletter
Welcome to the foreign language edition of the Daily Kos. Here we speak to the world as the progressive voice of America in your language. Our journalists, translators and bloggers are dedicated to bringing you progressive news from America to every corner of the world and to every ethic group in America. We are the Daily Kos voice speaking to the world with original articles and translated articles of news from America and around the world, which may not be available at any other internet blog...
Daily Kos Phazebook Progressive Social Networking Group
Welcome to the Daily Kos Phazebook social networking group. We are destined to become the Daily Kos largest social networking site. Are you interested in having a virtual phaze to phaze meeting with your favorite Daily Kos author or commentator? If so check out their personal DKos phazebook diary because now they and you have an opportunity to make a diary introducing yourself and your interests and you're not restricted to a few sentences or a single graphic. This is Daily Kos social networkin...
Daily Kos World of Warcraft Guild
Wreck List is the Daily Kos World of Warcraft guild. We are Horde-side on the Garrosh server.
Democratic Precinct Organizing
Group for current Democratic Party activists at the precinct level, to help share best practices, develop resources, strengthen local and state-based grassroots Democratic organizations. Our goal is to revitalize the Democratic Party in all 50 states/176,000 precincts nationally, becoming a powerful force advancing progressive policies and programs to benefit all. [working description]
Discussing Race At Daily Kos
I am creating this group for civil, non name calling discussion of race issues at daily kos. I will moderate the group and will insist on the following of these ground rules. It is my hope that the boycott called last weekend will end and that the kossacks who made the decision to boycott will return. I'd like to discuss the issues raised by the boycott in a civil space. If you are interested, please join the group.
DK Fans of 90 for 90
Voter registration and getting out the vote (GOTV) are critical to positive change in legislative bodies, from the very local level to the national level. Dr. Fergie Reid, Jr., and Brenda Hill started a movement in Virginia called 90 for 90, in honor of and inspired by Dr. Fergie Reid, Sr., who was the first black person elected to the Virginia legislature since Reconstruction, who served there for many years with distinction, and who recently turned 90 yea...
DK Video Busters
A team of video techs, researchers and writers to create video responses to right-wing lies, disinformation, manufactured facts, threats and hate speech on any issues, including racism, sexism, climate deniers and teabagging policies.
We're a group dedicated to taking back the Senate from McConnell's obstructionist hands and to keep the House in Democratic Control.
Music and Arts forum and archive at Daily Kos. Arts are essential and evolutionary.
DKos Cannabis Law and Drug War Reform
We wnt to fix laws, not break them Diaries, essays, news, views, action items, and serious discourse related to the reform of America's laws prohibiting the possession of the cannabis plant, with a side order of general drug policy wonkery. Cannabis reform is on the march, it is inevitable and it should be an accomplishment of the Democratic Party.
East Africa Food Crisis: 48 Hours of Action
Home base for bloggers participating in the August 6-7 Famine Crisis blogathon. Templates and place to add diaries to queue.
Economy is Worse Than You Think
The real economy has been hidden beneath Washington's rigged statistics. When politicians and the media both serve the oligarchy, citizens must understand the real economy to fulfill their duty as citizens,
Fighting and Defeating the Neo Nazis
The "alt-right" moniker is just an attempt to rebrand America's neo-Nazi and white supremacist elements to make them socially acceptable and media friendly. Fuck that. It won't work any better than David Duke's plastic surgery changed what we all know him to be. Let's work together to document their actions and beliefs, past and present, and use that information to hound them out of power and back to the dark fringes of American society where they belong. Information fuels activism.
Firearms Law and Policy
To advocate effectively for repeal or passage of firearms legislation we must first know and understand current law and policy, and how both are implemented, where we live. There is enormous variability across the country; the relative utility/relative risk of firearms is different on a 500 acre ranch in Montana than for a 1000 square foot apartment in New York. State and local laws reflect that diversity. We will discuss firearms law and policy with an emphasis on the many historical ethics an...
Foster Campbell 2016
This group is dedicated to winning the December 10th Louisiana runoff election and electing Foster Campbell to the US Senate. We believe DailyKos should be about winning the future, not litigating the past, and we intend to make it that way.
Genealogy and Family History Community
We are a Group interested in the research, analysis and discussion of genealogy and family histories, our own and others. We invite all those who desire guidance in getting started in their research, those who are looking for suggestions for getting past a problem in their on-going projects (brick walls), those willing to share resources, or those who simply want to talk about their projects (and we KNOW how family historians love to talk about their projects). All family backgrounds welcome an...
GOTV 2024
A series to spur Democratic turnout in 2024
Haiti Book Diary
Haiti Book Diary
Today is Haiti diary book day : Current book is Travesty in Haiti Chapter 4: You can see our book list is here.
History for Kossacks
Once the name of a regularly-appearing series on DK3, History for Kossacks is now a DK4 group blog dedicated to the discussion and diarying of all things historical. Topics range from the impact of a'a' lava on ancient Hawaii to Zoroastrianism in Persia; time frame is from Australopithecus to Zulu hours today - so come on in to this dusty cave full of moldering tomes, have a seat in an overstuffed chair, and let's talk history!
HIV/AIDS is a global pandemic that cuts across lines of class, race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity and age. This group will cover issues of activism, treatment, transmission, research, education and funding. The AIDS pandemic is not going away. Infections are increasing world wide. Join us in the fight!
Hunger in America
Hunger in America exists for over 50 million people. That is 1 in 6 of the U.S. population, including more than 1 in 5 children. This group exists to raise awareness of the complexities of the issue, to consider solutions, and to advocate for change.
Progressive Humor, Snarks, and Satire in the spirit of Onion, National Lampoom, Mad Magazine, Monty Python, Black Adder, Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Kathy Giffords and many others who press the bounderies of our usual culture for the advancement of progressive causes.
I follow and I Quote Meteor Blades in my Diary Group
This group is dedicated to publishing diaries which includes quotes from Meteor Blades in our current diaries as he is an activist author and cogent source of information whom the community readership values.
Invisible People
A series about the invisibility of People of Color, women, LGBTQI, homeless, immigrants, farm workers, the working middle class/underclass, religious/spiritual minority groups, people with disabilities, etc. and the tools used to keep us invisible. Understanding and fighting against invisibility in all contexts can help build a stronger, larger coalition.
Jews For President Obama
Welcome to Jews for President Obama. We believe that President Obama has been a good president and is an outstanding friend to the Jewish People and to the State of Israel. Please join us in supporting the President's re-election this year.
Justice Gone Wrong
Remember how Don Siegelman, a former governor of Alabama and a Democrat to boot, was targeted by Karl Rove and Republicans in Alabama, convicted on a trumped-up charge of bribery and sentenced to seven years in prison in 2006? Remember how the 11th Circuit released him in 2008? Remember that they sent him back to prison to serve his full term in 2009? This group is intended to perform a watchdog function. If you have a story of a vengeful prosecution that results in a wrongful conviction that r...
This group is created to promote news and information about Senator Kamala Harris and inform readers of her historic 2020 campaign's positions and events. *This group is not affiliated with the Kamala Harris Campaign.
A group for the sole purpose of republishing (and, perhaps, occasionally directly publishing) particularly literary, well crafted, non-news related Daily Kos posts, in order that they may receive more views -- and, one hopes, more recommends. Exceptions will be made, but primarily this group seeks to promote carefully written and edited pieces outside the ordinary political fare of this site.
LatinoKos is a community for the discussion of Latino politics, history, and cultures here in the US, in Latin America and the Caribbean. There is no "singular" Latino/a community in the US. Latinos/Hispanics who are the nation's largest minority group, will according to census projections make up 29% of the U.S. population in 2050. As Democrats we need to focus more attention on these communities and the issues that affect them.
Mental Health Awareness
Mental Health Awareness is a group for promoting greater understanding of mental health issues. Personal stories about mental illness, research or opinion pieces related to the mental health field, information on ethical dilemmas in treatment, diaries regarding legislation that affect the field, articles of note in psychology and psychiatry, and any other perspectives which raise awareness about mental illness or demonstrate the importance of highlighting mental health concerns are all welcome....
Moose On The Loose
Moose On The Loose is a Group formed to share both diaries and recommendations by Moose and Friends of the Moose. A place to display and share diaries on dKos. Sort of like Mom's refrigerator for Moose and Friends. The views presented will be as varied as the members of the group and no single view should be attributed to the group as a whole.
Moral Movement Forward Together
Readers of Daily Kos supporting Reverend William Barber's Moral Movement. This group is not about endorsing candidates. We deal with issues, such as voter suppression and immoral legislation. The Moral Movement is a fusion coalition that unites black, white, and brown, rich and poor, employed and unemployed, gay and straight, documented and undocumented, religious and secular.
Native American Netroots
A forum for the discussion of political, social and economic issues affecting the indigenous peoples of the United States, including their lack of political representation, economic deprivation, health care issues, and the on-going struggle for preservation of identity and cultural history
New York Hudson Valley Kossacks
A group intended to initiate and maintain social connections amongst Hudson Valley kossacks.
Nuclear Free DK
Nuclear Free DK is a group dedicated to promoting activism, education, conversation, and information about the world's reliance on nuclear power. ~Remember, if you're a group member, to also click the "follow" heart or else you may not have Nuclear Free DK diaries (including your own) show up in your stream.
Okiciyap (we help)
Personal Storytellers
Personal Storytellers is a group dedicated to learning more about fellow kossacks via the art of sharing personal stories. Every life is an adventure, and through sharing those adventures I hope to bring kossacks closer together.
Pink Clubhouse
A jotterville community where all are welcome. Offering friendship and support where discussions are light on politics and meta. A place to share ideas, perspectives, attitudes, memes, images of popular culture and history.
Prison Watch
The Prison Watch group is dedicated to educating the Daily Kos community on the brutality inside America's prisons.
Progressive Friends of the Library Newsletter
We advocate for social justice and equal library access for all. We support your local libraries and literacy programs. We also invite you to publish your diaries here that offer library news and support, book reviews, reviews of articles, as well as reviews of video games and other electronic media in our tech talk diaries. We ask for and offer reader guidance for the love of reading, for the love of books and for the love of everything which is your library experience. We also publish diaries...
Protest Music

Protest and topical music including comedy. We're interested in the history of protest music, for instance labor songs, civil rights songs, anti war songs. We also feature contemporary protest music and we particularly want to hear your protest songs.

This is an open group. Please join and post your diaries. If you want to help manage the group message me and I'll make you a BlogEditor.

Of course Protest Music is on topic. But it doesn't have to be both. Protest or Music. Prote...

RaceGender DiscrimiNATION
RaceGender DiscrimiNATION is a group focused on the historical and contemporary issues of prejudice, discrimination and hate based on race and gender as well as the intersection of race and gender. We will discuss the impacts on our rights to equality and fundamental human rights and freedoms in all aspects of our lives, including political, social, cultural, educational, personal and economic. This group's membership is at capacity. If that changes, group founders will send out invitations on ...
Reality-Based Task Force
For people who understand political reality.
Red State Resistance
A welcoming home on Daily Kos for Democratic activists in red state America to learn from one another, share our triumphs and disappointments, collaborate about the future, and unite in active Resistance against the assault on our democracy.
Remembering LGBT History
Much of history is hidden, especially for groups outside the mainstream of dominant culture. This group is devoted to the recovery of LGBT history, and it welcomes anyone interested in the subject.
Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a DKos group of second amendment supporters who also have progressive and liberal values. We don't think that being a liberal means one has to be anti-gun. Some of us are extreme in our second amendment views (no licensing, no restrictions on small arms) and some of us are more moderate (licensing, restrictions on small arms.) Moderate or extreme, we hold one common belief: more gun control equals lost elections. We don't want a repeat of 1994. We are an inclusive...
Shut Down the NRA
A group to document News of gun violence, to create a Community of activists, and to create a platform for Action to work towards breaking the hold of the NRA on politicians and changes to gun law that will actually result in significant, measurable decreases in American gun violence and fatalities.
Slavery in the United States - History
This purpose of this group is to review the historical record without revisionism about the inhumane institution of Slavery in the United States.
SOS Puerto Rico
Awareness and action for the crisis in Puerto Rico.
We are a group of women from all walks of life sharing our stories and discussing women's issues and rights with intersectionality to prevent erasure and preserve identities of all women. We are sisters in spirit, and we are taking back our narratives. Dominant culture narratives do not represent our lives; they elide, alter, and erase. We discuss the harms women experience when the dominant culture does not accurately consider, believe or hear women's voices. We will also celebrate the strengt...
Support Michelle Obama
Michelle Robinson Obama has been subjected to some of the worst racist abuse any Black woman has ever been subjected to. This group will augment the work being done by RaceGenderDiscrimiNATION by supporting the First Lady and exposing all of the attacks that have been and well be made on her by the right-wing racists of the world.
Support the Dream Defenders
The Dream Defenders are fighting for justice in Florida. Their goal: To enact Trayvon's Law in Florida, which would repeal the Stand Your Ground law, ban racial profiling, and end the school-to-prison pipeline. We are a Daily Kos community with a goal: To promote and support those objectives, online and off. Current project: Improving and promoting the Michael Brown Over-Policed Rights Act, a Daily Kos community crowd-sourced project.
The Durban Daily
Coverage of the Climate Negotiations in Durban, SA by a team of DK eco writers and other members of the Eco Community leading up to, during and post COP17.
Dedicated to the issues of transsexual, transgender and gender non-conforming people, their family and friends, and our supporters and allies.
Trial Watch
Discussion of nonpolitical criminal trials* and media coverage, including effects of the internet, Twitter and 24 hour news cycle on change of venue and jury pools. Books and films on criminal trials also. Sorry, but Nancy Grace is not invited. ;) *Not for "war crimes" or rox v. sux, please.
White Privilege Working Group
A group for anti-racist activists interested in discussing and producing learning materials about white privilege.

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