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annieli's groups.

Group Last Diary
50 State Strategy Project
An off shoot of the DK Fans of 90 for 90 group, the 50State Strategy Group will focus on city, county and state action. All working toward the same goal; electing more and better Democrats, city by city, state by state, until we have a country.
Anti-Capitalist Chat
The Anti-Capitalist Meetup is an ongoing diary series that began in July 2010 with the goal of providing a forum to discuss the history, present day issues, and the future of the Capitalist system and its alternatives. The Meet-up embraces and encourages intellectual and respectful discussion.

At a time when a third of Americans tell pollsters they have a positive view of Socialism and when most Americans conflate Socialism with anti-capitalism, it's time for the opponents of capita...
Anti-Capitalist Meetup
The Anti-Capitalist Meetup is an ongoing diary series that began in July 2010 with the goal of providing a forum to discuss the history, present day issues, and the future of the Capitalist system and its alternatives. The Meet-up embraces and encourages intellectual and respectful discussion.

At a time when a third of Americans tell pollsters they have a positive view of Socialism and when most Americans conflate Socialism with anti-capitalism, it's time for the opponents of capita...
APA Kos : Asian/Pacific Americans at DailyKos
A group for exploring issues that affect the Asian/Pacific American community. All are welcome to participate, and themes such as APA history and experiences, APA candidates and politicians, and APA community issues are encouraged. NOW SEEKING EDITORS!
Arms For Dirt
#ArmsForDirt this includes stories about the Ukrainian deal of September 2019 that is central to the impeachment of 45*
Asian-American & Pacific Islander community
Asian Kos exists to improve the discussion of issues affecting the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities on Daily Kos. We also seek to spotlight AAPI candidates, organizations and activists focused on progressive issues. Over 17 million AAPIs reside in the U.S. today and we are among the fastest growing groups. By 2050, AAPIs will make up 9.7% of the total United States population. This is a diverse community, AAPIs represent over 30 countries and ethnic groups that speak over ...
Black Kos community
Black Kos community group. This group publishes diaries that cover a broad range of topics including black history, the arts, politics, and the culture of peoples of African descent worldwide.
Bye Don AKA Biden 2020
The Joe Biden 2020 Group.
ClassWarfare Newsletter: WallStreet VS Working Class Global Occupy movement
(THE WORKING CLASS OCCUPY MOVEMENT HAS MOVED BEYOND JUST WALL STREET)! Our group was Co founded by METEOR BLADES and DEMOCRATS RAMSHIELD. Meet our blog editors which are some of your favorate writers: teacherken,slinkerwink,X,Laurence Lewis,boatsie,LaFeminista,Eclectablog, MinistryOfTruth,xxdr zombiexx,Barbara Morrill,JekyllnHyde,Jake McIntyre, Eclectablog,Ojibwa,icebergslim,BruinKid,CityLightsLover,Mentatmark to name but a few. As members of the MOST PROLIFIC AND LARGEST GROUP AT THE DAILY KOS...
Climate Action Hub
We've run out of time! A group dedicated to promoting news about the climate crisis.
Climate/Environment Fight
Inspired by Governor Jay Inslee who prioritizes defeating climate change first and foremost, this group embraces his positive message that the same Americans who put humankind on the moon can defeat climate change and thrive while doing it. As the first generation to feel the sting of climate change, we accept the mantle of being the last generation who can defeat it. FACEBOOK :
Community Live Bloggers
Community Live Bloggers is dedicated to amplifying live Democratic events that won’t be covered by the Front Page, here on Daily Kos. The Front Page currently only live blogs debates and election nights. As one of our co-founders said, “we need to do more live stuff.”
Connect i kos
Connecticut and southern New England kos group
Covid19 support group on Daily Kos
Covid19 support group on Daily Kos This group provides a forum for those seeking and those wishing to provide - information, help and support on the Coronavirus. If you are feeling stressed out, if you want to share your experiences about the disease, if you seek or want to provide practical knowledge on how to protect yourself and others from the virus, if you want to share knowledge on dealing with isolation and loneliness, please visit these diaries and contribute. This is not a forum to deb...
Critical Realists Working Group
Group for discussing epistemological liberalism and illiberal threats to American liberalism and its core values of equal protection, free speech and secularism. To promote epistemological liberalism on Daily Kos, within the Left and in American politics generally.
This is being set up to facilitate the much richer group in DK3 and with respect to all those who worked under its banner there. I just want to compel myself to take a greater role in its community and am happy to hand over administrative duties to those with greater investment in its history
Daily Kos Virtual Events
A group of Daily Kos readers interested in participating in virtual events.
Dirt farming in the South by South West Wing of the White House
analysis of disinformation under Lord Dampnut's Strategy of Tension regime "We must simply act, fully knowing our ignorance of possible consequences."
DK Employability Group
DK Employability Group (DKEG) Kossacks working together to improve skill-building, training, and employment prospects regardless of circumstance
DK Fans of 90 for 90
Voter registration and getting out the vote (GOTV) are critical to positive change in legislative bodies, from the very local level to the national level. Dr. Fergie Reid, Jr., and Brenda Hill started a movement in Virginia called 90 for 90, in honor of and inspired by Dr. Fergie Reid, Sr., who was the first black person elected to the Virginia legislature since Reconstruction, who served there for many years with distinction, and who recently turned 90 yea...
DK GreenRoots
DK GR is a forum for advocacy, education and discussion of all environmental issues, including climate change, eco justice and environmental racism, conservation of natural resources and wildlife, energy, environmental degradation, human health, pollution, water resources, resource depletion and biodiversity.
DK Preppers
DK Preppers: A place to discuss practical ways to get through emergencies, both short term and long. Topics may include skills for growing, storing and sharing food, lost and historical skill sets, sustainability issues, living and leaving safely, and growing community.
DKos Sangha
A space for those following a spiritual path, whether it be found within dharma, advaita, yoga, or any of the many traditions of awakening, or within no particular tradition; a space for exploring the process of awakening to our true nature; a space where we are supportive of each other's journey. That all beings are worthy of respect, understanding, and compassion is central to this exploration.
Drought States Kosaks
Historical, environmental, climate, engineering/tech, and socioeconomic issues are extensively similar among communities sharing the water (and hydroelectricity) of the Colorado River Basin --principally Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, California, Nevada, and Baja California --- and nearby regions, e.g., west Texas, Pacific Northwest, Oklahoma, even Kansas pro-actively, and the rest of Mexico. Effective approaches generated in one may be utilizable by others; bad strategies ha...
Electronic America: Progressives Film, music & Arts Group
With the Electronic America group, you'll never miss another great episode of Jon Stewart, Colbert, Rachael Maddow, Tavis Smilely or Bill Maher ever again because our diarists will tell you about them on all progressive film makers. You'll get the latest in Michael Moore diaries, film music and Arts reviews. Our progressive diaries will tell you all this and much more. Our group also supports reviews from NPR radio, the PBS newsroom Dkos TV /Radio and progressives making a difference in virtual...
factory for Conspiracy Theory Machines
Hillary Rodham Clinton: "I believe I have created so many jobs in the conspiracy theory machine factory," - 6 September 2016 NB: it is unlikely that anything published under this group heading will ever not be snark
Fighting and Defeating the Neo Nazis
The "alt-right" moniker is just an attempt to rebrand America's neo-Nazi and white supremacist elements to make them socially acceptable and media friendly. Fuck that. It won't work any better than David Duke's plastic surgery changed what we all know him to be. Let's work together to document their actions and beliefs, past and present, and use that information to hound them out of power and back to the dark fringes of American society where they belong. Information fuels activism.
Firearms Law and Policy
To advocate effectively for repeal or passage of firearms legislation we must first know and understand current law and policy, and how both are implemented, where we live. There is enormous variability across the country; the relative utility/relative risk of firearms is different on a 500 acre ranch in Montana than for a 1000 square foot apartment in New York. State and local laws reflect that diversity. We will discuss firearms law and policy with an emphasis on the many historical ethics an...
GreenRevolution A Direct Action Environmental Protest Group
(The future is NOW): The planet is now rapidly moving towards an uninhabitable future... But that future is NOW. Our leaders are not taking this crisis seriously, or taking action,and are thus failing us, and future generations, as well as planet Earth. The end of our present societies means the end of human and animal lives,and the potential death of planet Earth. We have little time left to alter our societies,governments,and to prevent this catastrophe happening. Our Methods: Uses of nonviol...
Hunting and Fishing Kos
A group for those with an interest in hunting, fishing, or any of the issues related to those two activities. Anyone is welcome to follow, contribute, join, edit, and hopefully all four.
I ♥ Democratic Socialism
In "Why I Write" (1946), George Orwell wrote a sentence that inspires this group: "Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it." Democracy and socialism belong together, and neither democracy nor socialism is deserving of its name without incorporating the other. This group discusses and agitates for both, together. Without democracy, what was often labeled "socialism...
Intentional Community Research and Development
IC R&D will research and discuss all aspects of intentional communities: mission, strategy, goals, governance, finances, resources (land, housing, facilities, infrastructure, equipment, supplies...), membership, etc. Rubrics for site and membership. Membership, funding and site searches. IC R&D will create &/or incubate site(s), if there is sufficient understanding, agreement, interest and "intent".
Itzl Alert Network
The weather is brutal. If it's not murderously hot, it's freezing cold, or flooding. There are tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards. Power goes out, and suddenly you're cut off. Beyond that, some of us have disabilities or illnesses that we're dealing with alone. It would be nice to know someone has our back. The Itzl Alert Network is a community where we can meet potential buddies in our geographic areas to check in on us if we aren't reporting in here, to make sure we're OK, and if s...
Kitchen Table Kibitzing
Kitchen Table Kibitzing is a community series for those who wish to share a virtual kitchen table with other readers of Daily Kos who aren't throwing pies at one another. Drop by to talk about music, your weather, your garden, or what you cooked for supper.... Newcomers may notice that many who post in this series already know one another to some degree, but we welcome guests at our kitchen table and hope to make some new friends as well. Our kitchen opens nightly at 5:30PT/8:30ET.
Kossacks Against Classism
This group opposes classism, a system of oppression based on class designations in which a pervasive ideology of class superiority & inferiority provides the foundation for structural inequalities, intergroup conflict, discrimination, and prejudice. The core processes and structures of classism are the same as they are for other forms of prejudice and systems of oppression like racism and sexism. Classism, like other forms of bigotry, is explicitly prohibited on DKos. Not only is classism moral...
Our never-ending protests first started on July 16th in response to Donald Trump's total capitulation to Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Helsinki Summit -- and they've continued every night since, rain or shine. (And much of that has been rain!)
LGBT Bereavement Group
This is a group like New Diarists and Welcome New Users for the very specific purpose of helping each other deal with grief. Because we understand what losing a partner/spouse/husband/wife is like, because our losses might involve complications that opposite couples don’t have to deal with, and because we have a growing number of men and women who can help the newly bereaved negotiate the first weeks of loss.
LGBTQ Kos Community
We're here, we're queer, now you: do something about those clothes, and yes that hair is not even near ready to be discussed (God forbid) - but yeah, we're queer, fabulous, unique, powerful and smart, damn right you better get used to it. Cuz we ain't going anywhere.
Liberal G Club
A place for the discussion of mutual interests in the shooting sports
Logic and Rhetoric at Daily Kos
A group to promote clear thinking, rational discussion, and the recognition and proper use of good rhetoric on Daily Kos.
seeking a sense of humor for the Left ------ "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member." - Groucho Marx; Not a snark-free zone.
National Patent and Copyright Reform
Dedicated to Bringing Issues and News about Patent and Copyright to the Forefront of Debate. News Stories, Legislation, Regulation, Treaties, Court Cases, Raids and Convictions.
New Day Cafe
A place to meet and greet the day. Join us for a morning of fun and conversation. Some serious...some silly....always good company! We are an open thread group. All are welcome.
New England Kossacks
NE Kossacks is a social group of (but not limited to) DailyKos readers who live and/or work in New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont) Please "follow" the group to put it in your news stream and also ask for an invite so we'll have an idea of how many kossacks the group "serves."
Nuz Hounds
Nuz Hounds - Friends of Animal Nuz
People Power Grassroots
This group is for all those interested and active in the the People Power Project Phase One which looks at how we can effect change at the grassroots level. Its purpose is to share ideas and actions, encouragement and inspiration.
People Power National
This group aims to bring together those interested in the People Power Project Phase Two so we may all work together. The aim of the group is to use people power to pre-empt Democratic messaging in a nationwide campaign that actively promotes a progressive agenda.
Political Economy Group DK PEG
A group for discussion of political economy topics ranging from the neoclassical to the post-keynesian and their applications to a broad range of topics from the cross-cultural/institutional intersections of art and media to the extreme mathematical and behavioral/evolutionary economics. (DK PEG) Tag = Economy Political Economy Group Tag = DK PEG
This group will explore the possibility of new systems of political economy for the period to come after the capitalist system has died.
Pro Choice
Best article to learn what you're facing: Keep these links: Plan C Also Aid Access and Numerous successful assaults on the rights of women to reproductive health care and the right to control their bodies show that America is being pushed backwa...
Progressive Friends of the Library Newsletter
We advocate for social justice and equal library access for all. We support your local libraries and literacy programs. We also invite you to publish your diaries here that offer library news and support, book reviews, reviews of articles, as well as reviews of video games and other electronic media in our tech talk diaries. We ask for and offer reader guidance for the love of reading, for the love of books and for the love of everything which is your library experience. We also publish diaries...
PWB Peeps
This is the group for the pooties, woozles, and birdies people and if you don't like them and don't see the purpose of us being here, please, do not bother us. Just remember what Nurse Kelley and Kos said - "Don't f**k with the pootie people." Started by the Pootie Queen triciawyse, who sadly left us too soon, now run by the Pootie Princess: The Marti. Long live all the pooties, and the woozles, and the birdheds, and their people too.
Readers and Book Lovers
Where readers, writers, bibliophiles, and lovers of all things literary find their favorite series and one-of-a-kind diaries, including "Bookflurries," "Write On!," and "Books So Bad They're Good." Plus newer series like "Indigo Kalliope," "Contemporary Fiction Views," "LGBT Literature," and "Books Go Boom!" We hope you'll visit Readers & Book Lovers for the same reasons you get together with a friend -- for the community of like-minded people who share your passion for the written word in all i...
Science Matters
A forum for pointing out and responding to the non-science and anti-science material that appears daily in the media. From simple mistakes and ancient astronaut foolishness, to deliberate obfuscation and assault on scientists, science is under attack and Science Matters is fighting back.
Sex, Body, and Gender
A group for Kossacks wanting to discuss the political and social implications of sex being stigmatized on us as individuals and of greater society
The San Francisco Bay Area Readers of Daily Kos. We meet regularly around the Bay Area for political activism and also, recreation. One of our hallmarks is rolling out the red carpet for out-of-town/visiting Kossacks in the form of dinners or pot lucks.
The definition of SLUT seems now to be ANY WOMAN USING BIRTH CONTROL or ANY ONE CONCERNED AND FIGHTING FOR WOMEN'S REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (according to the GOP) FINE! We are sluts and PROUD OF IT As with "Slut Walks" we will own the word and take the power of the word away.
Star Trek fans
A meeting place for Star Trek fans on Daily Kos. This group will attempt to archive the many diaries discussing the various aspects of Star Trek or how some other issue relates to Star Trek.
Teachers Lounge
This group is for discussion of teaching and education at all levels, from elementary to university, from international to continuing education, and everything in between.
The AandP The DK Arts and Politics Group
A place for the global discussion of the arts, media, and politics: The arts under censorship, The arts as a way of life, The arts as a means of liberation. Performance, mediated artworks and their critical practices in all cultures and nations.
the End of the Republic
"You all look great, and the end of the republic has never looked so good." PBO at WHCD 2016
The Grieving Room
The Grieving Room is a Monday evening series for those who are experiencing grief or loss. And diaries of those going through the loss of a person or pet, whether recent or long ago. Or yet to happen. And those that come to console because they too have gone through the fire. A safe space.
The Santayana Nostradamus Poll ©2015
The Santayana-Nostradamus Poll is dedicated to critiquing the problems of qualitative and quantitative use of polling as media content; Lies, damned lies, and statistics is a phrase describing the persuasive power of numbers, particularly the use of statistics to bolster weak arguments. It is also sometimes colloquially used to doubt statistics used to prove an opponent's point.
The Village
Community of Democrats gathered to find ways to block the Trump/Pence/Bannon administration and continue the progress Hillary Rodham Clinton worked for.
Today In Heightened Contradictions
"...we may be seeing the rise of a particular strategy on the right, sometimes gripping part of the GOP, and sometimes all of it that can be traced back to that noted conservative Vladimir Lenin. I speak of "heightening the contradictions," the idea that you have to intentionally make conditions even more miserable than they are, so the people rise up and cast off the illegitimate rulers and replace them with you and your allies. Then the work of building a paradise can begin." (Paul Waldman, A...
Trump Russia Investigators
What Are You Working On?
This group is for all things hand-made, home-made, and creative in a variety of mediums. Some of them are even edible.
What is Your Problem
WIYP? is a gathering to talk about our problems, empathize with one another, and share advice, pootie pictures, favorite adult beverages, and anything else that we think might help.
WYFP is our community's Saturday evening gathering to talk about our problems, empathize with one another, and share advice, pootie pictures, favorite adult beverages, and anything else that we think might help. Everyone and all sorts of troubles are welcome. May we find peace and healing here.

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