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Title Author Date Comments
Ukraine Invasion Day 653: lots of different operational tempos in the battlespaces
Russian forces may be suffering losses along the entire front in Ukraine at a rate close to the rate at which Russia is currently generating new forces. The US pushed for large-scale, combined arms offensives. But Ukraine faced unexpected difficulties...
annieli 12/07/2023 20
Overnight News Digest: Earth on the brink of five catastrophic climate tipping points
Tonight’s news awaits your comments. Everyone is encouraged to share their 2¢ or articles, stories, and tweets. This is an open thread.
Magnifico 12/07/2023 20
PWB Peeps: Open Thread Hannukah!
NB:� strawbale is unable to join us until Saturday, so I am reposting for her. � Please to enjoy! Another of the season’s festivals of light and renewal.
The Marti 12/07/2023 46
Kitchen Table Kibitzing: Back to Yoga For First Time Since Covid
When the news came Monday that the small quiet gym I’d been attending for the past year was closing, I decided it was time for me to move across the street to The Studio in Mill Valley and sign up ...
boatsie 12/07/2023 63
📚 Write On! The audience and the connect.
Hiya, writers and friends. So, last week we were talking about the necessity of engaging readers/audience, and that it’s really pretty biological with them! Some of that has to do with the audience identifying with the characters or situation, and we...
mettle fatigue 12/07/2023 70
hpg 12/07/2023 202
Cassidy Hutchinson warns that Trump is a feather-triggered fascist with a 'volcanic temper'
Cassidy Hutchinson was once Trump's Chief of Staff Mark Meadow’s right-hand woman. She has a rare gift. She radiates honesty. And in modest, calm tones, Hutchinson conveys Trump’s unstable nature better than a raft of professional pundits. She spoke...
TheCriticalMind 12/07/2023 32
McCarthy is out, Gaetz is scared, and Dems finally got SWAG!
Pop the cork gang—Kevin McCarthy has decided to take his toys and go home by the end of the year! Democrats are glad, Republicans are mad, but guess who is pissed off the most: Gaetz! That’s right, the guy with the massive eight-head (yah know, as...
sepiasiren 12/07/2023 122
Fake electors everywhere are indicted with Chesebro's help, next week he visits Arizona
The 2020 fake electors in Michigan and Georgia have been charged, the team in Wisconsin just admitted their crimes, and six fake bozos in Nevada were indicted this week. When Democrat Kris Mayes was running for Attorney General in Arizona last year, a...
Mother Mags 12/07/2023 28
More Russian stuff blowing up: Ukrainian sniper details record-breaking shot
The captain has illuminated the seat belt sign. Please return your trays to the upright position. That’s a damn shame about your electric infrastructure. This is reportedly a factory that produces transformers and other electrical equipment. That’s a...
quaoar 12/07/2023 24
It's high time: 6 Democratic governors urge Biden to push DEA to reschedule marijuana by end of year
Six Democratic governors have sent a letter to President Joe Biden urging the administration�to push the Drug Enforcement Administration to “reschedule”�marijuana as a less dangerous Class III ...
Charles Jay 12/07/2023 52
I was scammed and lost everything, don't let it happen to you.
So we decided to flee Indiana. For background, my name is Alexis, I'm a nonbinary trans person, married to my trans husband Ian, and we have 2 kids, Felix, aged 12, and Zinnia age 9. Indiana is currently attempting the "Florida Speedrun" insofar as it...
A Bleeding God 12/07/2023 92
Unholy Moses: Mike Johnson claims God chose him to lead America to a Republican promised land
House Speaker Mike Johnson, whose grand vision for America includes transforming every uterus in the country into a Pez dispenser, is convinced he’s the North American Moses who will lead his people to the Promised Land. What Promised Land does he...
Aldous J Pennyfarthing 12/07/2023 134
Sen. J.D. Vance demands Justice Department investigate Trump-critical Washington Post editorial
On Nov. 30, Washington Post Editor-at-Large Robert Kagan wrote an extended opinion piece arguing that Donald Trump is on a "clear path" to establishing a dictatorship in this country, and that ...
Hunter 12/07/2023 241
Is there something seriously wrong with the American electorate?
The short answer is yes. We have lost the ability to sort through disinformation and determine what is true. We have allowed a drum beat of lies to make us an angry people and lose our optimism. And now, we are teetering on a tight rope between...
Raven100 12/07/2023 155
PWB Theme Thursday: Naughty or Nice?
It’s eighteen�days till Christmas, and some of our furry friends are getting nervous!� Ai reely tried... Being cats (and woozles�and ellyfants�and horsies), it can be hard sometimes to ...
userexists 12/07/2023 136
Today in Congress: Johnson’s inexperience showing; Ukraine stalemate continues
House and Senate negotiators reached agreement on a major defense and national security policy bill, the National Defense Authorization Act, on Wednesday. It’s likely to be the only legislative ...
Joan McCarter 12/07/2023 43
New report unsurprisingly shows that profiteers have raised prices well above the rise in costs
A new report from progressive UK.-based think-tanks IPPR and Common Wealth says profiteering played a major role in jacking up prices far above the rise in costs, reinforcing a previous but narrower study showing such an impact. Among other things, the...
Meteor Blades 12/07/2023 139
Cartoon Corner First Thursday
It's that first Thursday again. �It's like it happens every month.� Longer than usual but too soon it ends. http://www....
ynohtnA 12/07/2023 7
Dear GOP: You’ll Never Wash the Stink of Trump Off You or Your Party. Never.
Dear Republicans, After the corruption of the Coolidge and Hoover administrations crashed the world economy, kicking off the Republican Great Depression in 1929, it took your party decades to rid itself of the stink. After Nixon extended the Vietnam...
thomhartmann 12/07/2023 190
The gag order's back, as is Previous Guy, prior to Monday's testimony in the New York fraud trial
"Trump is really here as a spectator. He did not have to be here until Monday when he's expected to take the stand once again," An angry Donald Trump called New York Attorney General Letitia James a "lunatic" as he attended his $250 million fraud trial...
annieli 12/07/2023 4
Son of Sen. Kevin Cramer (R_ND) caused a police pursuit with fatal outcome for a policeman
Is there an intention to kill implied? I mean mean he might have rammed the car intentionally.… The adult son of Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) led police on a car chase that ended with the death of an officer. CBS News reports that...
ca cokz 12/07/2023 41
Caribbean Matters: Understanding Venezuela's efforts to seize two-thirds of Guyana
While most U.S. media has its international news attention trained on events taking place in the Middle East and Ukraine, President Mohamed Irfaan Ali of Guyana is making Caribbean and South American headlines. I doubt that most Americans would...
Denise Oliver Velez 12/07/2023 207
Ukraine: Looking back at US assistance and what we can learn from it.
With the latest political debacle in the US congress holding up aid to Ukraine, I wanted to take a step back and assess US aid in general to Ukraine. I’m going to come across harsh and critical of the US and by association the Biden Administration....
Peter Olandt 12/07/2023 62
12/6 Good News Roundup: Featuring Good News from DK Itself
I’m using my canned outline again, but I’m trying something new this morning—mining DK itself for goodies. We have all sorts of animal, politics, science, and other cheering Diaries to work with, and we can ignore the relatively few Gloom & Doomers. So...
Mokurai 12/07/2023 94
Morning Open Thread - The wake
I was 7 years old and sitting with my uncle as we sat next to Great-uncle Robert’s body.� I was reminded that I was named after him as my uncle recounted tales of his youth and how Uncle Robert ...
CaptBLI 12/07/2023 28
Widespread computer security vulnerability reported
Computer security researchers from Binarly have identified a widespread set of vulnerabilities that affect most Windows and Linux computers due to bugs in the boot-loader that starts the computer (before the operating system starts). The attack—dubbed...
AChris 12/07/2023 80
GOP debate: Ron DeSantis saying Muslim men wear “man dresses” was not on any bingo card
The fourth GOP primary debate was as stupid as the others. The debate, hosted by NewsNation and moderated by Megyn Kelly, Elizabeth Vargas and Eliana Johnson, devolved into conspiracy theories and confusing personal attacks. Sartorial splendor included...
annieli 12/06/2023 190
Ukraine Invasion Day 652: more than an invaded "former Soviet republic"
Funds and firepower remain the key issues as drones continue to strike. Russian forces conducted a notably large series of drone strikes against Ukraine on the night of December 5 to 6. Ukrainian military officials reported that Russian forces launched...
annieli 12/06/2023 52
Overnight News Digest for Dec 6 2023 (Night before Chanukah edition)
Welcome to the Overnight News Digest with a crew consisting of founder Magnifico, regular editors side pocket, maggiejean, Chitown Kev, eeff, Magnifico, annetteboardman, Besame, jck, and JeremyBloom. Alumni editors include (but not limited to)...
jeremybloom 12/06/2023 14
PWB - Kitties Love Catmas Carols
Kitties are well known for their singing prowess…�They are quite proud of it. We have been invited to sing along… But first, the rules… You are all welcome to join us! Here are few not-...
mamajo2k 12/06/2023 59
Top Comments: Some Personal News. The Happy Kind.
The Pelican has landed! But first, a word from our sponsor: Top Comments � recognizes the previous day's � Top Mojo � and strives to promote each day's outstanding comments through nominations ...
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker 12/06/2023 34
George Santos finds his calling
On Friday, former Republican Rep. George Santos was expelled from Congress, half a year after being indicted for embezzling money from his campaign , one month after being indicted again for ...
Hunter 12/06/2023 71
Justice Samuel Alito isolated in tax case he refused to recuse from
The Supreme Court heard what could be a radical challenge to the nation’s tax laws Tuesday, with the majority of justices—including most of the conservatives—seemingly looking for a way to rule as narrowly as possible, demonstrating restraint at a time...
Joan McCarter 12/06/2023 111
Big Media create ads helping greenwash the fossil fuel industry and hurting reporter credibility
If you’re unaware of Drilled, an award-winning website dedicated to focusing on climate accountability, you would do well to add it to your collection of substacks to read and support. It was founded six years ago by veteran climate reporter Amy...
Meteor Blades 12/06/2023 22
Ukraine Update: Trump, Putin prevail with Republican senators
UPDATE: Wednesday, Dec 6, 2023 · 5:58:23 PM +00:00 · Joan McCarter Biden just spoke, slamming Republicans for “playing chicken with our national security.” Senate Republicans stormed out of a classified briefing about Ukraine on Tuesday in a...
Joan McCarter 12/06/2023 103
Angry about record-low unemployment, Marjorie Taylor Greene blames it on abortion
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene piped up with more Republican thoughts Monday, and if you know anything about Greene, you already know it's going to be bad. This time, the notorious Georgia ...
Hunter 12/05/2023 168
Johnson says Republicans blurring faces of insurrectionists so they can’t be 'charged by the DOJ'
When new House Speaker Mike Johnson announced that he would be "keeping [his] promise" to release all 44,000 hours of Capitol security camera footage from the Jan. 6 insurrection, it wasn't just far-...
Hunter 12/05/2023 185
Tommy Tuberville raises the white flag of surrender
The Senate can finally confirm the promotions of hundreds of senior military officers that have been held up for 10 months by Alabama Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville. He announced Tuesday that he was finally dropping his hold on most promotions after...
Joan McCarter 12/05/2023 289
Ukraine Update: Zelenskyy lobbies Republicans blocking aid to Ukraine
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is providing a classified video briefing to senators Tuesday in a bid to convince them to support the supplemental funding bill coming to the floor as soon as Wednesday that includes $60 billion in aid for Ukraine....
Joan McCarter 12/05/2023 68
Conservative Supreme Court justices let Leonard Leo do their homework
The Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats can add a few questions to the list for conservative Supreme Court fixer Leonard Leo, if they can get him to comply with the subpoena they approved last week.
Joan McCarter 12/05/2023 41
Supreme Court could preempt wealth taxes before they’re even enacted
The Supreme Court is hearing a case Tuesday that could upend current tax law and make future tax hikes on rich people unconstitutional, while also potentially costing the treasury hundreds of ...
Joan McCarter 12/04/2023 84
Kari Lake demonized Arizona Republicans. Now she’s demanding their support for her Senate run
Media critics and experts have repeatedly warned that the political media's sloppy insistence on gossip and horse-race coverage while ignoring the public issues behind the politics is the "darkness" ...
Hunter 12/04/2023 43
White House warns of impending crisis in Ukraine assistance funding
The White House sent an urgent appeal to congressional leadership Monday, warning that both time and U.S. assistance to Ukraine are running out and pleading for urgent action. “I want to be clear: without congressional action, by the end of the year we...
Joan McCarter 12/04/2023 76
Weekly Spotlight on climate and eco-diaries (12/3/2023): COP28; consumer choices; peak carbon soon?
The spotlight is a weekly, categorized compilation of links and excerpts from environmentally related posts at Daily Kos. Any posts included in the collection do not necessarily indicate my agreement with or endorsement of them. Because of the...
Meteor Blades 12/03/2023 17
Earth Matters: With 100% clean energy mandate, Michigan Democrats show elections have consequences
Two years ago, wagering that Michigan would enact a clean energy package like the one Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed Tuesday would be a good way to lose your rent money. The state House of Representatives had been in Republican hands for a...
Meteor Blades 12/03/2023 65
The Heritage Foundation is looking for fascism’s new foot soldiers. It might not go well
We've previously reported on The Heritage Foundation's Project 2025, an effort to provide a future Republican presidential administration with a pre-built agenda and an army of loyalists who have ...
Hunter 12/01/2023 144
Tommy Tuberville showing signs of folding on his military promotion holds
Alabama’s blowhard Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville seems to have seen the writing on the wall regarding his hold on military promotions: There is a growing sentiment among his Republican colleagues that it must end. A temporary rule change that would...
Joan McCarter 12/01/2023 72
Rep. Scott Perry was a key Jan. 6 conspirator—but remains uncharged
After Donald Trump's attempted coup on Jan. 6, 2021, Rep. Scott Perry was quickly pinned as one of the plot’s most aggressive allies. It was Perry who pushed Trump to install Department of Justice ...
Hunter 11/30/2023 57
Durbin outmaneuvers Republicans at Judiciary hearing, subpoenas issued in Supreme Court ethics probe
Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans tried to shut the committee down Thursday with histrionic fits and manufactured outrage over Democrats’ plans to proceed with subpoenas to GOP mega-donor Harlan Crow and conservative judicial activist Leonard Leo....
Joan McCarter 11/30/2023 149
Live coverage: House debates Santos' expulsion
The House is debating whether it will expel Rep. George Santos, the New York Republican and pathological liar who is facing numerous federal indictments for campaign finance violations and fraud. ...
Joan McCarter 11/30/2023 69
House Republicans continue wasting time instead of governing
The Republican House of Representatives is spinning its wheels Thursday over minor legislation that’s going nowhere, including yet another racist bill to deny housing for immigrants on federal lands. House Speaker Mike Johnson is instead focused on...
Joan McCarter 11/30/2023 21
It appears House Republicans have released the shutdown hostage
A really strange thing happened to House Republicans Wednesday: The Freedom Caucus apparently conceded their favorite weapon—government shutdowns. Just like that. Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, who chairs the far-right caucus, announced at a press...
Joan McCarter 11/30/2023 228
Mike Johnson gives the game away in Biden impeachment: It’s revenge
House Speaker Mike Johnson pretended Wednesday that Republicans have any basis at all for moving forward on impeaching President Joe Biden, and that this is a serious inquiry. Johnson soberly ...
Joan McCarter 11/29/2023 103
How many times will Tommy Tuberville pull the football away from Senate Republicans?
As the Senate rolls very, very slowly toward a bipartisan move to override Sen. Tommy Tuberville's blanket hold on hundreds of top-level military promotions, it seems Tuberville is finally beginning to realize that he's pushed his fellow senators too...
Hunter 11/29/2023 94
Senate Republicans do Trump's bidding on Ukraine, immigration
Ukraine aid is among the most pressing (of many) issues Congress is grappling with in the remaining weeks of 2023, and Senate Republicans are digging in on their efforts to poison it with anti-immigration demands. Democrats see the influence of Donald...
Joan McCarter 11/29/2023 55
Trump tries to delay trial with another spurious court filing, but this one’s a stinker
The latest news in the criminal case against coup-attempting seditionist Donald Trump—and this would be the federal case filed in Washington, D.C., charging Trump with attempting to obstruct the ...
Hunter 11/29/2023 139
Fox News explains why America shouldn’t hear from Hunter Biden after Comer chickens out
House Republicans are still all-in on their plan to impeach President Joe Biden for Something Something Hunter Biden, even if they still haven't been able to work out the pesky details. But Hunter ...
Hunter 11/28/2023 83
Senate Republicans want Trump to shut up about Obamacare. Biden wants him to keep talking
On Saturday, Donald Trump dusted off one of his oldest campaign promises with a new declaration that he was once again "seriously looking at alternatives" to "Obamacare," the landmark health care ...
Hunter 11/28/2023 42

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