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Title Author Date Comments
Top Comments: It's Not the Aurora Borealis, It's... Steve
Here at Top Comments we strive to nourish community by rounding up some of the site's best, funniest, most mojo'd & most ...
gizmo59 12/07/2023 8
PWB Peeps: Open Thread Hannukah!
NB:� strawbale is unable to join us until Saturday, so I am reposting for her. � Please to enjoy! Another of the season’s festivals of light and renewal.
The Marti 12/07/2023 46
PWB Peeps Open Thread: Hannukah!
Another of the season’s festivals of light and renewal.
strawbale 12/07/2023 3
For those who think just one vote won’t make a difference
Every vote counts — and it’s okay to vote for yourself. What Roth didn’t know was that he was casting the decisive ballot in a race that would be determined by one vote. His opponent, Damion Green, had chosen not to vote for himself in the election,...
thehecticdialectic 12/07/2023 3
Fake electors everywhere are indicted with Chesebro's help, next week he visits Arizona
The 2020 fake electors in Michigan and Georgia have been charged, the team in Wisconsin just admitted their crimes, and six fake bozos in Nevada were indicted this week. When Democrat Kris Mayes was running for Attorney General in Arizona last year, a...
Mother Mags 12/07/2023 28
It's high time: 6 Democratic governors urge Biden to push DEA to reschedule marijuana by end of year
Six Democratic governors have sent a letter to President Joe Biden urging the administration�to push the Drug Enforcement Administration to “reschedule”�marijuana as a less dangerous Class III ...
Charles Jay 12/07/2023 52
I was scammed and lost everything, don't let it happen to you.
So we decided to flee Indiana. For background, my name is Alexis, I'm a nonbinary trans person, married to my trans husband Ian, and we have 2 kids, Felix, aged 12, and Zinnia age 9. Indiana is currently attempting the "Florida Speedrun" insofar as it...
A Bleeding God 12/07/2023 92
Pioneer farming
Welcome to the Street Prophets Coffee Hour cleverly hidden at the intersection of religion and politics. This is an open thread where we can share our thoughts and comments about the day. The ...
Ojibwa 12/07/2023 8
Photo Diary: Florida Botanical Garden, St Pete FL
One of my favorite places for an afternoon walk. There’s always something in bloom, and local wildlife to see. Some photos. For those who don't know, I live in a converted campervan and travel ...
Lenny Flank 12/07/2023 4
LYIN' LARA Trump Flips Charges (that Donald Trump is Running for President to Avoid Prison) to Biden
It has become increasingly clear that the primary campaign strategy of Donald Trump as he seeks to reoccupy the White House is a variation on the elementary school debate response, "I know you are, but what am I?" It shouldn't surprise anyone that the...
News Corpse 12/07/2023 11
PWB Theme Thursday: Naughty or Nice?
It’s eighteen�days till Christmas, and some of our furry friends are getting nervous!� Ai reely tried... Being cats (and woozles�and ellyfants�and horsies), it can be hard sometimes to ...
userexists 12/07/2023 136
In the Cold Night: A ShelterBox story
Found this sweet story. Sharing because I liked it. Ooooo Now there is an influencer spot for people to help push ShelterBox on social media! volunteer influencer
TexMex 12/07/2023 2
Indians 101: Northwest Coast Killer Whale crests (museum exhibit)
The First Nations of the Northwest Coast have a way of life which is oriented toward the sea.� These peoples lived in permanent villages with complex social organizations. Northwest Coast art, like ...
Ojibwa 12/07/2023 4
PWB - Kitties Love Catmas Carols
Kitties are well known for their singing prowess…�They are quite proud of it. We have been invited to sing along… But first, the rules… You are all welcome to join us! Here are few not-...
mamajo2k 12/06/2023 59
Top Comments: Some Personal News. The Happy Kind.
The Pelican has landed! But first, a word from our sponsor: Top Comments � recognizes the previous day's � Top Mojo � and strives to promote each day's outstanding comments through nominations ...
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker 12/06/2023 34
Colorado Supreme Court justices question whether the state can bar Trump from the 2024 ballot
Colorado Supreme Court justices on Wednesday sharply questioned whether they could exclude former President Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot in a case that seeks to upend his bid for a second term by claiming the Constitution's insurrection clause...
Associated Press 12/06/2023 52
This dictator thing should be ruling the airwaves while TFG sits in jail until trial not next rally
When some person, former president or not stands in front of the American people saying he will be a dictator which is declaring himself King and goes against the constitution and brags about being indicted , that person needs to be locked up. WHY...
Vetwife 12/06/2023 24
Wannabe Dictator Trump Cloddishly Dodges Sean Hannity's Questions About Being a Dictator
Like clockwork, whenever Trump is suffering from some sort of emotional breakdown, he scurries off to cuddle in the comforting embrace of his adoring sycophants at Fox News. So no one will be surprised that, as his legal perils mount, Trump sat down...
News Corpse 12/06/2023 17
Wednesday Woozles: A Bit of Humpday Whimsy
Happy Wednesday, Peeps!� I snagged a few more cute memes from Cheezburger. I hope you like them. (Also, I hope the folks at Cheezburger don’t mind.) But first, You know how this works, but as ...
Ice Blue 12/06/2023 246
Kevin McCarthy to Step Down in Less than a Month
From Xitter: Above, CBS Congressional Correspondent, Scott MacFarlane, writes, “House GOP majority is about to shrink further. As former Speaker Kevin McCarthy announces he’s leaving Congress at end of year.” Wow — what’s the rush, Kevdawg? Some new...
ericlewis0 12/06/2023 133
Ohio History Center: Animals with expanded ranges (museum exhibit)
The natural history displays in the Ohio History Center in Columbus include animals whose ranges have expanded. According to the Museum: “Today Ohio is a different world from the Ohio Country ...
Ojibwa 12/06/2023 6
The I/P Designation is now Defunct
The I/P designation was used to denote Israel and Palestine. I wrote that I was not to write about this subject anymore and that still holds. There will shortly be no Palestine to write about, only separate pockets of Palestinians. The 2 state solution...
LaFeminista 12/06/2023 84
Top Comments: Hockey Open Thread Edition
The Isles are back home after multiple road trips and the annual Thanksgiving week games. That means I am back at the arena watching a game, and you all are left to fend for yourselves. So talk ...
cohenzee 12/05/2023 18
PWB Peeps Open Thread: Ninja Day
strawbale 12/05/2023 26
Black Kos: The Montgomery Bus Boycott. They didn't have social media; they had a mimeograph machine
Commentary by Black Kos Editor Denise Oliver-Velez Today we celebrate the history, and success of the Montgomery Bus Boycott which began December 5, 1955 with a call for a one-day boycott of buses ...
Black Kos 12/05/2023 170
Jack Smith Cites TFG’s “Stand Back & Stand By” Wink to Proud Boys as Evidence in Case
From The New York Times: When former President Donald J. Trump goes on trial on charges of plotting to overturn the 2020 election, federal prosecutors intend to tell a sweeping story, informing the jury about everything from his support for the...
ericlewis0 12/05/2023 36
Hidden History: "The Gael" and "Last of the Mohicans"
The�1992 film version of The Last of the Mohicans �has one of the best and well-known musical scores ever done for a movie. "Hidden History" is a diary series that explores forgotten and little-...
Lenny Flank 12/05/2023 17
Republicans are Helping the Criminals who Stormed the Capitol to Get Away With Their Crimes
The Republican Party has long referred to itself as the party of "law and order." That has never really been true, but it is farther removed from that description than ever with its current leader, Donald Trump, who is facing 91 felony charges, and has...
News Corpse 12/05/2023 25
PWB- Toosdai Critters: Holiday Treats
A gentle reminder of how we do things:   🐱🐶🐦 Do not troll the diary. If you hate pootie diaries, leave now. No harm, no foul. Please do share pics of your fur kids!  If you ...
samanthab 12/05/2023 278
Indians 201: An Indian victory in Eastern Washington in 1858
In the 1850s, the policy of the United States regarding the Indian nations in eastern Washington was to force Indians onto a few reservations and open up the land for the railroad, for farming and ...
Ojibwa 12/05/2023 2
Top Comments: Seasonal 2023 Part I (Festivating) Edition
Every year since 2010 I’ve done a series of December diaries focusing on a variety of seasonal topics ranging from music to food to ugly sweaters. (Full disclosure: I did ONE Seasonal diary in 2008,
brillig 12/04/2023 16
PWB Peeps Open Thread: Cheetah Day
Fastest kitteh on earth.� Fastest land animal, in fact. “I was only doing 60, officer!”
strawbale 12/04/2023 65
Colorado's State Critter, A Colorado State Open Thread, December 4, 2023
The Colorado State Open Thread is on any topic of your choosing. In my case this evening, I’m going to write about something I saw on the route down Highway 34 this morning, heading from Estes Park towards Loveland. I haven’t seen one in awhile, but I...
ColoTim 12/04/2023 14
POOR TRUMP Admits to Bouts of Rage and Gluttony After Liz Cheney Reports His Reaction to January 6th
It's uncanny that the best source of damaging information about Donald Trump is frequently Donald Trump. He never seems the least bit hesitant to engage in rhetoric that others would find offensive, and his psychoses are so ingrained that he is either...
News Corpse 12/04/2023 93
A Shameless Plug
As many of you know, most of my diaries here are draft chapters for a number of books that I work on. A number of these are out and available, so let me take the opportunity to make a shameless plug ...
Lenny Flank 12/04/2023 9
Museums 101: Some boats with outboard motors (photo diary)
During the twentieth century, one of the popular ways to power boats, particularly smaller boats, was the outboard motor, a portably motor which was usually attached to the stern of the boat. Shown ...
Ojibwa 12/04/2023 7
PWB Peeps: Moonday Furbutts And Fancies
Happy Moonday, Peeps!� Come join us for bit.� Please do not mind the dust bunnies, we are gathering them for a craft project.� * crickets *� That’s our story, and we’re sticking to it!
The Marti 12/04/2023 336
Cartoon: Trump attacks the judge
A cartoon by Jeff Danziger.
Jeff Danziger 12/04/2023 32
Trump Blows Blatantly Racist Dog Whistles to Motivate MAGA Voter Intimidation Squads in 2024
Three years after the presidential election of 2020, Donald Trump is still whining about having decisively lost to Joe Biden. He is clearly obsessed with not being able to beat a candidate that he tried to dismiss as a senile communist. And Trump has...
News Corpse 12/04/2023 27
Just When They Thought They Were Out, He Pulled Them Back In: GOP's War On The ACA Is On Again.
Since Donald Trump was defeated in the 2020 Presidential election, most people seemed to be under the impression that the Republican Party's decade-long obsession with tearing down President Obama's signature legislative accomplishment, the Patient...
Brainwrap 12/04/2023 31
Ohio History Center: Transportation related exhibits (photo diary)
The Ohio History Center in Columbus, Ohio includes a number of transportation related exhibits.
Ojibwa 12/04/2023 4
Cartoon: The bad place
As always, if � you find value in this work I do, please consider helping me keep it sustainable by joining my weekly newsletter, � Sparky’s List! � You can get it in your inbox or read it on ...
Tom Tomorrow 12/04/2023 53
PWB Peeps Open Thread: A Roof Over Your Head
Wherever they choose to live, everyone needs a safe space to call home.
strawbale 12/03/2023 73
What do Hurricane Hunters do when it’s not Hurricane Season? Quite a lot.
Hurricanes get a lot of attention, but there are plenty of other weather phenomena that need to be watched. The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron is already gearing up for those missions. Winter operations begin for 53rd Weather Reconnaissance...
xaxnar 12/03/2023 14
Sekrit Armee Sundai — Muttz
A gentle reminder of how we do things: 🐱🐶🐦 Do not troll the diary. If you hate pootie diaries, leave now. No harm, no foul. Please do share pics of your fur kids! If you have health/...
FosterMomInCA 12/03/2023 193
America's Car Museum: Cars from the 1910s (photo diary)
During the decade of the 1910s, the automobile began to enter into American life and begin its� evolution from a frivolous plaything to one of life’s necessities. Cars became mass produced and ...
Ojibwa 12/03/2023 7
Get your FREE pro-Dem bumper stickers! {338 days till 11/5/24 - we can promote the brand every day!}
Rob in Vermont 12/03/2023 4
The Simplest Koan
“Where does the path to awakening begin?”—“Right here.” In different versions of this koan, the master draws a line on the ground or in the air. Never mind that. It is obviously right ...
Mokurai 12/03/2023 18
Cartoon: GOP Christmas
A cartoon by Clay Bennett.
Clay Bennett 12/03/2023 85
Ancient Europe: The Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age)
In the early nineteenth century, museum curators began organizing their prehistoric collections by classifying cutting tools according to the material used to make them: stone, bronze, and iron. ...
Ojibwa 12/03/2023 78
Is this the cruelest game of "battleships" yet?
You show them the board but don’t care if they don't know the rules or hear the calls. I suppose it's for US Government consumption rather than Gazan. Look we told them. It's not our fault if they have no connectivity. It’s not as if they think we are...
LaFeminista 12/03/2023 26
Odds & Ends: News/Humor (with a "Who Lost the Fortnight?" poll)
I post a weekly diary of historical notes, arts & science items, foreign news (often receiving little notice in the US) and whimsical pieces from the outside world that I often feature in "Cheers & Jeers". OK, you've been warned - here is this week's...
Ed Tracey 12/03/2023 19
Cartoon: Mike Luckovich on GOP believers
A cartoon by Mike Luckovich.
Mike Luckovich 12/03/2023 52
Would Trump Declare Insanity?
Trump wants everyone in the USA to listen to him. By declaring himself insane, he will get his wish. His detractors, like me, would agree with him on this issue. Even more so, he may well be found incompetent to stand trial. He does not listen to his...
Keith Newman 12/03/2023 187
Netanyahu stance clashes with policy of the Biden administration
Admin correction: the original title of this story, “Netanyahu defies Biden: he boasted about controlling US and going against US for ground invasion,” has been edited to reflect accurately the original source reporting. With his approval ratings in...
Egberto Willies 12/03/2023 237
Saturday Top Comments: December is for Musicians Edition
So this is going to be the last Saturday TC diary for a couple weeks. At least from me. Why? It’s December. And in addition to my teaching, I am a musician. If you live in a big city, and are good ...
zenbassoon 12/02/2023 6
Museums 401: Shoes (photo diary)
As a part of their clothing ensemble, modern humans wear coverings on their feet known as shoes. When did humans first start wearing shoes? One of the important clues comes from biological ...
Ojibwa 12/02/2023 17
Photo Diary: Crescent Lake, St Pete FL
This is a nice park for an afternoon walk and a picnic lunch. Usually lots of birdies here. Some photos. For those who don't know, I live in a converted campervan and travel around the country, ...
Lenny Flank 12/02/2023 10

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