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StandUpToRacism's Profile

Now up and semi running: (Email Not working there yet)

Diaries published: 116 (2187 days since last diary on Tue Dec 12, 2017 at 03:03 PM PST)

Comments posted: 800 (2186 days since last comment on Wed Dec 13, 2017 at 04:49 AM PST)

Diary frequency: often

Comment frequency: frequent

Total Recommends: 1938

Total Comment Ratings: 3930

Most Recommended Diary: Then Her Wig Fell Off: Sometimes We Just Need to Laugh. 9/11/09., 269 comments, 581 recommends

People Following StandUpToRacism: 34

StandUpToRacism's Most Recent Diaries:

Flag Coming Down: What it was like to be there when Roy Moore rode his horse to vote. By Will Bevis This is the second time I've gone to the little town of Gallant, Alabama to watch the Ten Commandments Judge ride his horse to the polling...
by StandUpToRacism
Comment Count 28 comments on Tue Dec 12, 2017 at 03:03 PM PST with 28 Recommends
“The Red Cancer.” Saw that phrase for the first time on Facebook just now… And man is it powerful! Hope it has legs. If you think it does please share. Here’s what I saw: Susan Triplet Medina I used to be related to a...
by StandUpToRacism
Comment Count 1 comments on Sun Jul 30, 2017 at 11:33 AM PDT with 3 Recommends
Dear Madam President Hillary Rodham Clinton, I am writing you a day in advance of your victory in hopes of being the first loyal Democrat from the deep Red Sad State of Alabama, to congratulate you on your well deserved victory over that (Expletive...
by StandUpToRacism
Comment Count 2 comments on Mon Nov 07, 2016 at 04:26 PM PST with 2 Recommends
Thought readers might want to know what it’s like to live and drive in the hopelessly red state  of  Alabama!  I work with this guy and he is very proud of his right wing sticker collection on his truck (Twenty-two of them.)  He also  likes to...
by StandUpToRacism
Comment Count 10 comments on Sun Nov 06, 2016 at 07:20 AM PST with 7 Recommends
I just changed my facebook profile picture to one of me kneeling in my room. I'm not rich, famous, handsome, brave or anything else so no one is going to care what the hell I do, in my room or outside. But I feel like I have got to do something. The...
by StandUpToRacism
Comment Count 4 comments on Tue Sep 20, 2016 at 08:13 PM PDT with 10 Recommends
This is not about politics. (Don’t read any further if that’s all your interested in today.) This is about the greatest love you will probably ever experience: That which comes from your mother. I feel it is appropriate...
by StandUpToRacism
Comment Count 3 comments on Sun May 08, 2016 at 09:10 AM PDT with 2 Recommends

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