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Puddytat's Profile

Retired RN politically active for decades. Working for universal equality, worker rights + justice.Member of the Overpass Light Brigade. Fighting recurrent Stage 3B Hodgkin's Lymphoma, heart failure + severe nerve damage due to chemotherapy.

Real Name: Sue

DOB: birthday comes every year

Gender: F

Location: West Allis, Wisconsin

Occupation: RN (retired)

Groups: Top Comments, Social Security Defenders, Team DFH, Cranky Users, PWB Peeps, Trolls, Black Kos community, In Support of Labor and Unions, Badger State Progressive, Pootie Pad Party, Search City, Thursday Worst Diary Competition, Madison Kossacks, Monday Night Cancer Club, New Diarists, Community Fundraisers, Sluts, Your Government at Work, Courtesy Kos, Itzl Alert Network, Pushing back at the Grand Bargain, Whovians on DKos, Caucus, Economy is Worse Than You Think, Obamacare Saves Lives, Christie Watch, PostHuffPost: Connection-Conversation-Community , Kossacks Against Scott Walker, Nuz Hounds , Team Bernie, DK Fans of 90 for 90, 50 State Strategy Project, Women for Bernie, The Political Revolution, DKHive, Covid19 support group on Daily Kos, DK5 Trouble Reports

Hobbies: cleaning isn't one of them

Diaries published: 719 (247 days since last diary on Wed Apr 05, 2023 at 12:37 PM PDT)

Comments posted: 43658 (2 days since last comment on Wed Dec 06, 2023 at 01:13 PM PST)

Diary frequency: frequent

Comment frequency: frequent

Total Recommends: 101853

Total Comment Ratings: 19904

Most Recommended Diary: Let Me Tell You About the Debate "Audience" In Milwaukee (Update X2), 806 comments, 770 recommends

People Following Puddytat: 557

Puddytat's Most Recent Diaries:

You donated, you wrote postcards, you participated in virtual phonebanks and textbanks and WE WON by a huuuuge margin! All of it made a difference. Janet Protasiewicz will be sworn in as a member ...
by Puddytat
Comment Count 30 comments on Wed Apr 05, 2023 at 12:37 PM PDT with 139 Recommends
The Associated Press has called the Wisconsin State Supreme Court race for Janet Protasiewicz! People donated and worked their butts off to change the balance of our State Supreme Court away from the 15 year extreme RW majority to a new liberal...
by Puddytat
Comment Count 147 comments on Tue Apr 04, 2023 at 07:00 PM PDT with 346 Recommends
As we sat under a Tornado Watch in most of southern Wisconsin, cell phones chimed with an emergency alert. It didn’t have anything to do with the weather which we were watching like hawks (we did have tornadoes and severe storms a few hours later). It...
by Puddytat
Comment Count 148 comments on Sat Apr 01, 2023 at 08:28 AM PDT with 258 Recommends
If you think the last 3 days has been a shit-show, wait until “Speaker” McCarthy and the rest of the Republican caucus has to deliver all those promises he made to the MTG and the rest of the GOP Clown Show. Lord only knows what he gave up outside of...
by Puddytat
Comment Count 4 comments on Fri Jan 06, 2023 at 12:54 PM PST with 26 Recommends
Am I alone in noticing the multiple camera views we’re getting from the House? It’s giving us a more complete picture and insight into what is really going on. I do know that the Speaker of the House makes rules which severely limit what the cameras...
by Puddytat
Comment Count 93 comments on Wed Jan 04, 2023 at 12:18 PM PST with 235 Recommends
UPDATE: Thursday, Oct 13, 2022 · 2:58:45 AM +00:00 · Puddytat OK kiddies. I’m done. I think I might have broken the record on putting up an open thread. Ok, just came by and saw No Tops tonight. So, consider this a placeholder and you can sit and watch...
by Puddytat
Comment Count 9 comments on Wed Oct 12, 2022 at 07:42 PM PDT with 23 Recommends

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