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Gemina13's Profile

Middle-aged feminist progressive, bisexual woman. I believe in self-determination, free will, love, and hope--and that the traitorous, fascistic GOP/Qanon and their cadre of anti-American goons can fuck right off.

DOB: 09/24/1970

Groups: What's for Dinner, Readers and Book Lovers, The Grieving Room, Personal Storytellers, WYFP?, ClassWarfare Newsletter: WallStreet VS Working Class Global Occupy movement, Cooking With Kos, Pagan and Wiccan Kossacks, LGBTQI Literature, LGBTQ Kos Community, Kossacks for Marriage Equality, Consumer Watchdog is Neither, Seattle & Puget Sound Kos, The Political Revolution, Fighting and Defeating the Neo Nazis, War 21

Hobbies: writing, music (vocal & harp), drawing, reading, ancient history, cooking, painting

Twitter: NWMagpie

Diaries published: 87 (201 days since last diary on Sat May 20, 2023 at 07:53 PM PDT)

Comments posted: 8627 (1 day since last comment on Thu Dec 07, 2023 at 01:44 PM PST)

Diary frequency: often

Comment frequency: frequent

Total Recommends: 35636

Total Comment Ratings: 18966

Most Recommended Diary: A writer's strike on Kos? Are you sh*tting me?!, 422 comments, 576 recommends

People Following Gemina13: 53

Gemina13's Most Recent Diaries:

(TW: Racial violence, murder, desecration — video links may lead to graphic content) (NOTE: As remarked in comments, there is video footage showing Rasheem Carter running in fear through the woods. I am not posting that video, and I would advise other...
by Gemina13
Comment Count 65 comments on Sat May 20, 2023 at 07:53 PM PDT with 131 Recommends
I’ve heard people say that Generation X lost its youth when the Twin Towers collapsed on September 11, 2001. That’s not so. Generation X lost its youth on a bright winter morning in January 1986, when seven brave astronauts died when the shuttle...
by Gemina13
Comment Count 16 comments on Sat Jan 28, 2023 at 01:32 AM PST with 28 Recommends
We’ve all heard how a group of QAnon believers gathered in Dallas, TX on November 2nd, ostensibly to await the appearance of John F. Kennedy Jr. (son of the assassinated President), in the belief that he would claim his place as Donald Trump’s running...
by Gemina13
Comment Count 303 comments on Tue Nov 23, 2021 at 12:12 AM PST with 357 Recommends
::sigh:: This month shouldn’t feel like this. I love September. It’s the month that fall starts, cooler weather sets in, the trees begin to turn, and I relax from the heat and stress of summer. To quote the late, great John Pinette, I don’t do well in...
by Gemina13
Comment Count 21 comments on Sun Sep 19, 2021 at 09:33 PM PDT with 17 Recommends
On my lunch breaks, I usually check the news, be it here, on Balloon Juice, or Twitter. And this little item caught my eye: So . . . to underscore the meat of this release, the Cyber Ninjas’ report on the AZ Fraudit has been delayed due to the CEO,...
by Gemina13
Comment Count 198 comments on Mon Aug 23, 2021 at 02:06 PM PDT with 144 Recommends
A doctor decided to Tweet his outrage about mask mandates today. Dr. De Brun, like many professionals, has noted on his Twitter account that his “Posts are my own views & do not reflect the Medical Profession.” Also, he lists his occupations as,...
by Gemina13
Comment Count 168 comments on Sat Jul 24, 2021 at 02:57 PM PDT with 320 Recommends

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