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buddhafrogsaypeace's Profile

Diaries published: 9 (1127 days since last diary on Fri Nov 06, 2020 at 05:05 AM PST)

Comments posted: 390 (21 days since last comment on Fri Nov 17, 2023 at 04:58 AM PST)

Diary frequency: seldom

Comment frequency: often

Total Recommends: 850

Total Comment Ratings: 184

Most Recommended Diary: Wife positive. Son positive. No work. Falling apart., 282 comments, 513 recommends

People Following buddhafrogsaypeace: 3

buddhafrogsaypeace's Most Recent Diaries:

Forgive me, but I need to share my joy with my DKos family. I woke up to this news and I cried. I laid in bed listening to Ray Charles sing “Georgia On My Mind” and I started bawlin’. Flat out cried like a baby, sobbing. It wasn’t about the relief of...
by buddhafrogsaypeace
Comment Count 5 comments on Fri Nov 06, 2020 at 05:05 AM PST with 16 Recommends
I’m 50. I’ve been in this game a long time and have been disappointed too often. We need to work as hard as we can these last few days to get as many votes as possible.  But I bet you are like me — you are on edge right now, you can’t sleep,...
by buddhafrogsaypeace
Comment Count 69 comments on Thu Oct 29, 2020 at 01:48 PM PDT with 21 Recommends
My son just tested positive for Covid19. My son’s symptoms are currently minor. My wife got it a few months before and was hospitalized, but fortunately has since recovered. She seems to be doing very well now. We are fortunate in this way. However,...
by buddhafrogsaypeace
Comment Count 282 comments on Fri Sep 11, 2020 at 05:14 AM PDT with 513 Recommends
GOP chickens have come home to roost (and damn, are they ugly).   Wide-eyed disbelief from both DEMs and the GOP ruling class at the rise of Trump. I'm not too surprised at all. Has no one b
by buddhafrogsaypeace
Comment Count 2 comments on Sun Feb 28, 2016 at 03:09 PM PST with 5 Recommends
I woke up early today.... I couldn't sleep. It's already Tuesday morning in the "Land of the Morning Calm", South Korea. November 4th is here! I've been waiting for this day for a long time. ...
by buddhafrogsaypeace
Comment Count 8 comments on Mon Nov 03, 2008 at 03:27 PM PST with 10 Recommends
It's Arts-&-Crafts Tuesday at Dailykos. Taking inspiration from last week's grassroots arts-&-crafts project in McCain/Palin ...
by buddhafrogsaypeace
Comment Count 8 comments on Mon Oct 06, 2008 at 02:00 AM PDT with 7 Recommends

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