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Title Author Date Comments
New report unsurprisingly shows that profiteers have raised prices well above the rise in costs
A new report from progressive UK.-based think-tanks IPPR and Common Wealth says profiteering played a major role in jacking up prices far above the rise in costs, reinforcing a previous but narrower study showing such an impact. Among other things, the...
Meteor Blades 12/07/2023 148
Big Media create ads helping greenwash the fossil fuel industry and hurting reporter credibility
If you’re unaware of Drilled, an award-winning website dedicated to focusing on climate accountability, you would do well to add it to your collection of substacks to read and support. It was founded six years ago by veteran climate reporter Amy...
Meteor Blades 12/06/2023 22
The I/P Designation is now Defunct
The I/P designation was used to denote Israel and Palestine. I wrote that I was not to write about this subject anymore and that still holds. There will shortly be no Palestine to write about, only separate pockets of Palestinians. The 2 state solution...
LaFeminista 12/06/2023 84
A.I. -- the Promise and the Peril
— — As with most new technologies and innovations, the promise and the peril of releasing them into the economic world — is in a word: “complicated.” They usually hold untold benefits for companies, economies, and even individuals. Some of the classics...
jamess 12/05/2023 9
Snopes rides to the rescue on Trump's Gaffe -- But when it comes to Trump's Attacks -- Crickets!
— — When I saw this clip making the Social Media rounds, I thought to myself: “Finally, Trump is saying the quiet part out loud.” Trump: “We’ve been waging an all out war on American democracy.” Not so fast, says the Fact-checking organization Snopes....
jamess 12/03/2023 56
Is this the cruelest game of "battleships" yet?
You show them the board but don’t care if they don't know the rules or hear the calls. I suppose it's for US Government consumption rather than Gazan. Look we told them. It's not our fault if they have no connectivity. It’s not as if they think we are...
LaFeminista 12/03/2023 26
Weekly Spotlight on climate and eco-diaries (12/3/2023): COP28; consumer choices; peak carbon soon?
The spotlight is a weekly, categorized compilation of links and excerpts from environmentally related posts at Daily Kos. Any posts included in the collection do not necessarily indicate my agreement with or endorsement of them. Because of the...
Meteor Blades 12/03/2023 17
Earth Matters: With 100% clean energy mandate, Michigan Democrats show elections have consequences
Two years ago, wagering that Michigan would enact a clean energy package like the one Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed Tuesday would be a good way to lose your rent money. The state House of Representatives had been in Republican hands for a...
Meteor Blades 12/03/2023 65
Overnight News Digest: The last month of the year
Welcome to the Overnight News Digest with a crew consisting of founder Magnifico, regular editors side pocket, maggiejean, Chitown Kev, eeff, Magnifico, annetteboardman, Besame, jck, and ...
annetteboardman 12/01/2023 16
Charles Koch's Americans for Prosperity endorses Nikki Haley in effort to stop Trump
Dylan Wells and Hannah Knowles at The Washington Post report: The powerful political network led by conservative billionaire Charles Koch endorsed Nikki Haley for president on Tuesday, as it looks to stop Donald Trump from being the Republican nominee....
Meteor Blades 11/28/2023 33
CO2 leaps. Will COP28 finally get it together or will it just be one more round of Carry On Pumping?
In a decade or so, the summer of 2023 will be looked back on as a beautiful, cool, enjoyable time. We will tell each other, "Those were the days." That is likely to be the case whether or not we Earthlings do finally get it together to take the actions...
Meteor Blades 11/27/2023 124
COP28: It's all about the money honey.
Cop28 host UAE planned to promote oil deals during climate talks [link to the Guardian] The host of the UN Cop28 summit, the United Arab Emirates, planned to use climate meetings with other countries to promote deals for its national oil and gas...
LaFeminista 11/27/2023 11
Ahead of COP28, report says deficient emissions pledges are taking us to nightmarish 2.9°C (5.2°F)
As you can see from its cover, the UNEP team that put together Emissions Gap Report 2023 went a bit snarky (by government standards) with the image and title—Broken Record: Temperatures hit new highs, yet world fails to cut emissions (again). Snarky...
Meteor Blades 11/26/2023 158
My view on the male-centric religions:- A Reply with Poll.
My reply to: CREDO: My View on the Three Interconnected Vengeful Male Sky God Cults. Starting point I too was raised Lutheran, then again, my “faith’s tenets” always seemed irrelevant to me in any way. Buddhism fits what I believe as a philosophy and...
LaFeminista 11/25/2023 450
Overnight News Digest: Days are getting shorter and shorter
Welcome to the Overnight News Digest with a crew consisting of founder Magnifico, regular editors side pocket, maggiejean, Chitown Kev, eeff, Magnifico, annetteboardman, Besame, jck, and JeremyBloom. Alumni editors include (but not limited to)...
annetteboardman 11/24/2023 10

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