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Below you'll find recent contributions related to Jeffersonian Democrat's followed authors, tags, and groups.

Title Author Date Comments
Kitchen Table Kibitzing: Back to Yoga For First Time Since Covid
When the news came Monday that the small quiet gym I’d been attending for the past year was closing, I decided it was time for me to move across the street to The Studio in Mill Valley and sign up ...
boatsie 12/07/2023 63
📚 Write On! The audience and the connect.
Hiya, writers and friends. So, last week we were talking about the necessity of engaging readers/audience, and that it’s really pretty biological with them! Some of that has to do with the audience identifying with the characters or situation, and we...
mettle fatigue 12/07/2023 70
Heading into Week 2 @COP28: US Taking Scalpel to Negotiating Text.
As COP28 enters its second and final week, the hard work of determining what the participating nations are going to do about fossil fuels begins. The comments of COP President Sultan Al Jaber questioning the science correlating fossil fuels to global...
boatsie 12/07/2023 4
Pioneer farming
Welcome to the Street Prophets Coffee Hour cleverly hidden at the intersection of religion and politics. This is an open thread where we can share our thoughts and comments about the day. The ...
Ojibwa 12/07/2023 8
Today in Congress: Johnson’s inexperience showing; Ukraine stalemate continues
House and Senate negotiators reached agreement on a major defense and national security policy bill, the National Defense Authorization Act, on Wednesday. It’s likely to be the only legislative ...
Joan McCarter 12/07/2023 43
Admin note: this story, originally titled "Could it be that the Hamas October 7 attack was "provoked"?," has been retracted due to multiple violations of our Rules of the Road, including disinformation and inadequate evaluation of sources.
Frank Vyan Walton 12/07/2023 151
Indians 101: Northwest Coast Killer Whale crests (museum exhibit)
The First Nations of the Northwest Coast have a way of life which is oriented toward the sea.� These peoples lived in permanent villages with complex social organizations. Northwest Coast art, like ...
Ojibwa 12/07/2023 4
New report unsurprisingly shows that profiteers have raised prices well above the rise in costs
A new report from progressive UK.-based think-tanks IPPR and Common Wealth says profiteering played a major role in jacking up prices far above the rise in costs, reinforcing a previous but narrower study showing such an impact. Among other things, the...
Meteor Blades 12/07/2023 141
Caribbean Matters: Understanding Venezuela's efforts to seize two-thirds of Guyana
While most U.S. media has its international news attention trained on events taking place in the Middle East and Ukraine, President Mohamed Irfaan Ali of Guyana is making Caribbean and South American headlines. I doubt that most Americans would...
Denise Oliver Velez 12/07/2023 207
Bookchat: Mysteries and binge reading
Welcome to Bookchat! Where you can talk about anything; books, plays, essays, and audio books. You don’t have to be reading a book to come in, sit down, and chat with us. Last Tuesday I wrote ...
bookgirl 12/06/2023 70
Kerry @ COP28 Halfway Point: "It's crunch time!"
US Climate Envoy John Kerry says he is aware of a sense of urgency in Dubai as delegates from nearly 200 nations convene for COP28. “People will measure who steps up and who doesn’t,” he said .
boatsie 12/06/2023 9
Justice Samuel Alito isolated in tax case he refused to recuse from
The Supreme Court heard what could be a radical challenge to the nation’s tax laws Tuesday, with the majority of justices—including most of the conservatives—seemingly looking for a way to rule as narrowly as possible, demonstrating restraint at a time...
Joan McCarter 12/06/2023 111
To Honour Our Beloved Observerinvancouver, Giving The Gift Of Reading And Writing
This is really down to Maudlin, who shared the following information.� With her kind permission, I am sharing it here and hoping that all of us who knew and loved Observerinvancouver will do a bit ...
The Marti 12/06/2023 29
Big Media create ads helping greenwash the fossil fuel industry and hurting reporter credibility
If you’re unaware of Drilled, an award-winning website dedicated to focusing on climate accountability, you would do well to add it to your collection of substacks to read and support. It was founded six years ago by veteran climate reporter Amy...
Meteor Blades 12/06/2023 22
MAGAs like to claim that Joe Biden is a doddering old fool in deep cognitive decline.
MAGAs like to claim that Joe Biden is a doddering old fool in deep cognitive decline. Reposted from my Substack However, they also believe - at the same time magically - that Biden is also simultaneously a super-genius criminal mastermind who managed...
Frank Vyan Walton 12/06/2023 12
Ukraine Update: Trump, Putin prevail with Republican senators
UPDATE: Wednesday, Dec 6, 2023 · 5:58:23 PM +00:00 · Joan McCarter Biden just spoke, slamming Republicans for “playing chicken with our national security.” Senate Republicans stormed out of a classified briefing about Ukraine on Tuesday in a...
Joan McCarter 12/06/2023 103
Kevin McCarthy to Step Down in Less than a Month
From Xitter: Above, CBS Congressional Correspondent, Scott MacFarlane, writes, “House GOP majority is about to shrink further. As former Speaker Kevin McCarthy announces he’s leaving Congress at end of year.” Wow — what’s the rush, Kevdawg? Some new...
ericlewis0 12/06/2023 133
Ohio History Center: Animals with expanded ranges (museum exhibit)
The natural history displays in the Ohio History Center in Columbus include animals whose ranges have expanded. According to the Museum: “Today Ohio is a different world from the Ohio Country ...
Ojibwa 12/06/2023 6
Norman Lear, Value-form producer dead at 101
A media icon, how might he have treated humorously the misidentification of antisemitism with antizionism represented by H.R. 894. Writer-producer-developer Norman Lear, who revolutionized American comedy with such daring, immensely popular early-‘70s...
annieli 12/06/2023 10
It’s not just Trump: It’s the oligarchy, stupid.
Beyond Trump, it’a also the Republican party leadership and Republican voters. Why are they lining up behind this lawless thug? There are two main factors: racism and massive wealth inequality. Aristotle explained a long time ago that in a city...
Phillysophy 12/06/2023 116
The I/P Designation is now Defunct
The I/P designation was used to denote Israel and Palestine. I wrote that I was not to write about this subject anymore and that still holds. There will shortly be no Palestine to write about, only separate pockets of Palestinians. The 2 state solution...
LaFeminista 12/06/2023 84
More Economic Good News- Thanks Democrats!
Paul Krugman, as many of you know, writes opinion pieces primarily about the economy. In this article he talks about vairous viewpoints on inflation, and how most get it wrong. His self- profile on NYT includes: My Background I’m an economist by...
Solarman55 12/05/2023 4
Democratic Party "stuck in its addictions to neoliberal economics" - Sen. Chris Murphy
Luke Goldstein of The American Prospect reports on Senator Chris Murphy’s (D-CT) recent shift to an explicit rejection of neoliberalism. I pressed Murphy about why, despite executive actions, Democrats in Congress weren’t able to move forward in the...
NBBooks 12/05/2023 407
A.I. -- the Promise and the Peril
— — As with most new technologies and innovations, the promise and the peril of releasing them into the economic world — is in a word: “complicated.” They usually hold untold benefits for companies, economies, and even individuals. Some of the classics...
jamess 12/05/2023 9
Nonfiction Views: This week's notable new nonfiction
Good evening, everyone. Forgive the hiatus I took with Nonfiction Views for a couple weeks. Just too busy. But you didn’t miss much. The publishing world was rather slow those couple weeks, and it ...
DebtorsPrison 12/05/2023 4
Contemporary Fiction Views: When two wounded souls meet
More than one woman has felt she has lost her voice, that she is not heard, that no one heeds her feelings or ideas. In Greek Lessons , Han Kang brings to life a woman who literally loses her voice. ...
bookgirl 12/05/2023 29
Black Kos: The Montgomery Bus Boycott. They didn't have social media; they had a mimeograph machine
Commentary by Black Kos Editor Denise Oliver-Velez Today we celebrate the history, and success of the Montgomery Bus Boycott which began December 5, 1955 with a call for a one-day boycott of buses ...
Black Kos 12/05/2023 170
ICYMI: Finally! The media covers Trump's radical threat
Major newspapers may be leading media shift on Trump coverage For far too long, we’ve bemoaned the national media for covering Donald Trump as if he were a conventional candidate and not who he actually is: a fascist threat to our nation’s democracy....
kos 12/05/2023 87
Jack Smith Cites TFG’s “Stand Back & Stand By” Wink to Proud Boys as Evidence in Case
From The New York Times: When former President Donald J. Trump goes on trial on charges of plotting to overturn the 2020 election, federal prosecutors intend to tell a sweeping story, informing the jury about everything from his support for the...
ericlewis0 12/05/2023 36
Hidden History: "The Gael" and "Last of the Mohicans"
The�1992 film version of The Last of the Mohicans �has one of the best and well-known musical scores ever done for a movie. "Hidden History" is a diary series that explores forgotten and little-...
Lenny Flank 12/05/2023 17
Tommy Tuberville raises the white flag of surrender
The Senate can finally confirm the promotions of hundreds of senior military officers that have been held up for 10 months by Alabama Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville. He announced Tuesday that he was finally dropping his hold on most promotions after...
Joan McCarter 12/05/2023 289
Global Stocktake @ COP28 Portends Horrific 2.5C to 2.9C. Temp Rise
With 2,456 fossil fuel lobbyists attending COP28, the 24-page negotiating text circulating Tuesday represents the first time in almost 30 years of meetings that the role of fossil fuels in driving global warming is mentioned. Way too late in the...
boatsie 12/05/2023 23
Ukraine Update: Zelenskyy lobbies Republicans blocking aid to Ukraine
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is providing a classified video briefing to senators Tuesday in a bid to convince them to support the supplemental funding bill coming to the floor as soon as Wednesday that includes $60 billion in aid for Ukraine....
Joan McCarter 12/05/2023 68
Conservative Supreme Court justices let Leonard Leo do their homework
The Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats can add a few questions to the list for conservative Supreme Court fixer Leonard Leo, if they can get him to comply with the subpoena they approved last week.
Joan McCarter 12/05/2023 41
Indians 201: An Indian victory in Eastern Washington in 1858
In the 1850s, the policy of the United States regarding the Indian nations in eastern Washington was to force Indians onto a few reservations and open up the land for the railroad, for farming and ...
Ojibwa 12/05/2023 2
The Language of the Night: Murderbot is back!
Before all else, thank you, Clio2 , for stepping in last week with such a great discussion of YA fantasy/romance, Jennifer L. Armentrout’s� Storm and Fury �and the Moms for Liberty professional ...
DrLori 12/04/2023 34
ICYMI: Republicans reveal the smoking (cap) gun in Biden impeachment inquiry
Monday’s theme? Republican weakness Republicans don’t seem to be trying very hard as we head into the December holidays. The Republican effort in the House to impeach President Joe Biden took a new step forward before quickly taking two steps back....
kos 12/04/2023 46
Supreme Court could preempt wealth taxes before they’re even enacted
The Supreme Court is hearing a case Tuesday that could upend current tax law and make future tax hikes on rich people unconstitutional, while also potentially costing the treasury hundreds of ...
Joan McCarter 12/04/2023 84
"Fossil Fuel Wars:" Is COP President A Climate Denier?
COP28 president Sultan Al Jaber held an unscheduled press conference Monday morning claiming his comment last month that there was “no science” behind the belief that fossil fuels were a primary driver of climate change was misunderstood. “I have...
boatsie 12/04/2023 18
Like a Com(m)e(n)t
To write a poem Is to take One shred of your soul And arrange it Or splash it Or smear it Where passersby may see; Sometimes, but only sometimes, You know If they do. * We, the endangering species, Must, as Eiseley saw, Destroy what we don’t...
Gaelsdottir 12/04/2023 15
Ohio History Center: Transportation related exhibits (photo diary)
The Ohio History Center in Columbus, Ohio includes a number of transportation related exhibits.
Ojibwa 12/04/2023 4
Shakespeare's Shadow: Twelve Days of Shakespeare Part 11
On November 8th, 1623, publisher Edward Blount registered 18 previously unpublished plays by the author William Shakespeare with the Stationer’s Guild in London. Printing the 36 plays of the folio, over 900 pages of material, had taken almost two years...
Economaniac 12/04/2023 22
Morning Open Thread: It Has an Inner Light … and Changes Us
________________________ “It is the responsibility, yet the individual choice, of each of us to use the light we have to dispel the work of darkness, because if we do not, then the power of falsehood rises.” ‍— John Lewis, Across That Bridge...
officebss 12/04/2023 80
Sweet Swan of Avon / Thy Stratford Moniment : Twelve Days of Shakespeare Part 10
This is the last of four posts in the series that attempts to make sense of the Jonson elegy To the Memory of my Beloved, The Author William Shakespeare and what he hath left us from the preface materials of the folio. As Wells says, this is the most...
Economaniac 12/03/2023 12
America's Car Museum: Cars from the 1910s (photo diary)
During the decade of the 1910s, the automobile began to enter into American life and begin its� evolution from a frivolous plaything to one of life’s necessities. Cars became mass produced and ...
Ojibwa 12/03/2023 7
The Simplest Koan
“Where does the path to awakening begin?”—“Right here.” In different versions of this koan, the master draws a line on the ground or in the air. Never mind that. It is obviously right ...
Mokurai 12/03/2023 18
Ancient Europe: The Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age)
In the early nineteenth century, museum curators began organizing their prehistoric collections by classifying cutting tools according to the material used to make them: stone, bronze, and iron. ...
Ojibwa 12/03/2023 78
Black Music Sunday: Kabiosile (all hail) Chango!
On Dec.�4,�the sound of drumming�and singing will fill the air�across the Caribbean and Latin America, and in neighborhoods here in the States where there are practitioners of African diasporic ...
Denise Oliver Velez 12/03/2023 115
WOW2: December 2023 Women Trailblazers and Activists – 12-1 thru 12-8
“You don’t know you’re making history when it’s happening. I just wanted to do my job.” – � Charity Adams Earley ,
officebss 12/02/2023 19
Mississippi Republican party files suit over judge holding Hinds County polls open on election night
by Geoff Pender � Mississippi Today The Mississippi Republican Party is asking the state Supreme Court to dissolve an emergency order a judge issued on election night keeping polls open in Hinds ...
Mississippi Today 12/02/2023 59
When the Church Woke
John Wesley, founder of Methodism, fiercely denounced slavery and required Methodists to fight against it. But many American Methodists came to approve of slavery, then Jim Crow, then continued segregation, and completely segregated their churches....
Mokurai 12/02/2023 11
Museums 401: Shoes (photo diary)
As a part of their clothing ensemble, modern humans wear coverings on their feet known as shoes. When did humans first start wearing shoes? One of the important clues comes from biological ...
Ojibwa 12/02/2023 17
Shakespeare was a Woman: Twelve Days of Shakespeare Part 9
This is the 9th post in a series. I have been working the last few years on a book about Shakespeare and the 1623 first folio edition of plays with a particular focus on Ben Jonson and the other figures who played a role with Shakespeare in the writing...
Economaniac 12/02/2023 54

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