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janecollins's Profile

Diaries published: 40 (1475 days since last diary on Sun Nov 24, 2019 at 10:02 AM PST)

Comments posted: 229 (1413 days since last comment on Sat Jan 25, 2020 at 12:49 PM PST)

Diary frequency: often

Comment frequency: often

Total Recommends: 146

Total Comment Ratings: 0

Most Recommended Diary: Becoming Poor, 420 comments, 339 recommends

People Following janecollins: 15

janecollins's Most Recent Diaries:

I took a core sample of broadcast news on the evening of November 23, 2019, on NBC. There were brief glimpses of the president’s tweeted and shouted responses to this week’s public impeachment testimony. There was a story on the most recent outbreak of...
by janecollins
Comment Count 3 comments on Sun Nov 24, 2019 at 10:02 AM PST with 5 Recommends
(Incident that failed to appear in any newspaper or radio report: Three unarmed Arab men attempting to steal cattle were killed by an Israeli Army patrol) Imagine you are a child with a brown ...
by janecollins
Comment Count 13 comments on Tue Jun 04, 2019 at 08:15 PM PDT with 1 Recommend
Challenge to billionaires: Prove that you’re worth all of us together. Save humanity. Get serious. This is not a matter of millions. It will take all your billions to do it right. You’ve taken all the resources. Now what will you do with them? ...
by janecollins
Comment Count 3 comments on Tue Feb 26, 2019 at 10:26 AM PST with 7 Recommends
...When the intake counselor asked my name, I told him “Jesus Number Six Million and One.” This was a kind of joke, though I didn’t expect him to get it. I was referring to the number of my ...
by janecollins
Comment Count 5 comments on Thu Oct 25, 2018 at 05:47 PM PDT with 6 Recommends
We’re in an early stage of civilization. It’s not clear if we can survive it. We’re going through a dramatic adolescence as our species learns how to organize itself. We’re like bees before ...
by janecollins
Comment Count 10 comments on Thu Sep 13, 2018 at 06:19 PM PDT with 4 Recommends
Enough about religion. Let’s table that discussion. God or no god? Afterlife or not? It doesn’t really matter. Enough already. We’ve been arguing these questions for thousands of years. We won’t get answers now. All the great...
by janecollins
Comment Count 37 comments on Sat Sep 08, 2018 at 09:30 AM PDT with 6 Recommends

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