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wasatch's groups.

Group Last Diary
Hot list
The Hot List group shares posts that its users would have put on their hot lists in the old day.
Abolish the Death Penalty
Committed to Abolition of the Death Penalty in the United States and Around the World.
Black Kos community
Black Kos community group. This group publishes diaries that cover a broad range of topics including black history, the arts, politics, and the culture of peoples of African descent worldwide.
Bye Don AKA Biden 2020
The Joe Biden 2020 Group.
DK Fans of 90 for 90
Voter registration and getting out the vote (GOTV) are critical to positive change in legislative bodies, from the very local level to the national level. Dr. Fergie Reid, Jr., and Brenda Hill started a movement in Virginia called 90 for 90, in honor of and inspired by Dr. Fergie Reid, Sr., who was the first black person elected to the Virginia legislature since Reconstruction, who served there for many years with distinction, and who recently turned 90 yea...
Progressive Friends of the Library Newsletter
We advocate for social justice and equal library access for all. We support your local libraries and literacy programs. We also invite you to publish your diaries here that offer library news and support, book reviews, reviews of articles, as well as reviews of video games and other electronic media in our tech talk diaries. We ask for and offer reader guidance for the love of reading, for the love of books and for the love of everything which is your library experience. We also publish diaries...
Salt Lake City Kossacks
All are welcome to this community. Great things begin with a heartfelt purpose. Let's help unite this city and have some fun doing so. If you live in Utah, drop me, War on Error, a message so SLCBeeKos can extend the required "invitation". Personally, I can't wait to meet you all and hope you will extend invites to your like-minded friends. We are the change!
Sego Lily: Elections, News and Views
An off shoot of 50 State Strategy Project, with an inclusive approach to electoral, environmental, and cultural news from the state of Utah, and the desert south west.
Support Michelle Obama
Michelle Robinson Obama has been subjected to some of the worst racist abuse any Black woman has ever been subjected to. This group will augment the work being done by RaceGenderDiscrimiNATION by supporting the First Lady and exposing all of the attacks that have been and well be made on her by the right-wing racists of the world.

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