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Onomastic's groups.

Group Last Diary
50 State Strategy Project
An off shoot of the DK Fans of 90 for 90 group, the 50State Strategy Group will focus on city, county and state action. All working toward the same goal; electing more and better Democrats, city by city, state by state, until we have a country.
A Home for Wings and Aji
We gather in support of our friends, and friends of this site, Aji and Wings, as they try to raise funds to replace their lost home and move out of the old and dangerous travel trailer that's been their shelter for seven years.
A Lake for Lin: Supporting an Eco-Warrior In the Fight of Her Life
We are friends of Linda McClure/Patriot Daily News Clearinghouse (PDNC) who are determined to create a lake of resources, hope, healing, and love for her in this fight of her life against a cancer diagnosis that has given her only weeks or months. We are raising funds to enable her to pursue whatever treatment protocols may be open to her to save her life, and to give her support, resources, and peace of mind over the months to come. This group is purely logistical: for the staging and scheduli...
Abolish the Death Penalty
Committed to Abolition of the Death Penalty in the United States and Around the World.
Barriers and Bridges
Created to facilitate conversations about race and racism. We invite people to share their personal experiences and perspectives. We will also be providing links to interesting articles and teaching tools. We plan to republish relevant posts from other groups and writers at Daily Kos.
Biden Harris Administration
A group to share news about the Biden/Harris Administration as Joe and Kamala restore the soul of America. No malarkey!
Black Kos community
Black Kos community group. This group publishes diaries that cover a broad range of topics including black history, the arts, politics, and the culture of peoples of African descent worldwide.
Bring Home our Girls
On April 14, 2014, 276 schoolgirls were kidnapped from their school in Chibok, Nigeria. Since then, some of the teenagers have managed to escape; the vast majority of them, however, are still being held captive. The mission of this group will be to seek out and publicize efforts to bring home our girls. This group may or may not be dismantled once the girls are returned to their loved ones.
ClassWarfare Newsletter: WallStreet VS Working Class Global Occupy movement
(THE WORKING CLASS OCCUPY MOVEMENT HAS MOVED BEYOND JUST WALL STREET)! Our group was Co founded by METEOR BLADES and DEMOCRATS RAMSHIELD. Meet our blog editors which are some of your favorate writers: teacherken,slinkerwink,X,Laurence Lewis,boatsie,LaFeminista,Eclectablog, MinistryOfTruth,xxdr zombiexx,Barbara Morrill,JekyllnHyde,Jake McIntyre, Eclectablog,Ojibwa,icebergslim,BruinKid,CityLightsLover,Mentatmark to name but a few. As members of the MOST PROLIFIC AND LARGEST GROUP AT THE DAILY KOS...
Climate Action Hub
We've run out of time! A group dedicated to promoting news about the climate crisis.
Climate Change SOS
Launched in 2012 to promote engagement and provide information on climate change.
Community Fundraisers
"Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." ~ Desmond Tutu
Community Quilt Project
Community Quilts are a way of sharing care, compassion and support for community members who are facing illness or other hardships.
Courtesy Kos
A group dedicated to courtesy, civility, politeness and positivity. Our group motto -- "Killing the Meta Wars - With Kindness"
Cranky Users
The Cranky Users group was founded for Kossacks who thought DK4 was scary or weird or hard to figure out. With the launch of DK5, we're gonna hold hands, help each other out, ask dumb questions, laugh ourselves silly, and make DK5 work for us as well. Follow the group or the #CrankyUsers tag.
Daily Kos Conference for Action
Devoted to discussion on how to elect more Democrats, take back Congress and statehouses and enact sensible policy. Our diaries will focus on how to make this a reality.
Daily Kos Phazebook Progressive Social Networking Group
Welcome to the Daily Kos Phazebook social networking group. We are destined to become the Daily Kos largest social networking site. Are you interested in having a virtual phaze to phaze meeting with your favorite Daily Kos author or commentator? If so check out their personal DKos phazebook diary because now they and you have an opportunity to make a diary introducing yourself and your interests and you're not restricted to a few sentences or a single graphic. This is Daily Kos social networkin...
Daily Kos Quilt Guild Auction Alliance
A group to support actions of the Daily Kos Community to create a better world through quilts. Spreading warmth and love.
DK GreenRoots
DK GR is a forum for advocacy, education and discussion of all environmental issues, including climate change, eco justice and environmental racism, conservation of natural resources and wildlife, energy, environmental degradation, human health, pollution, water resources, resource depletion and biodiversity.
DK Poli
DK Poli is a political advocacy and activism group that works on projects with lawmakers, grass root leaders, progressive organizations, politicians, journalists and activists. The nature of the issue or objective will determine our format. Our first project of GOTV for midterms was a blogathon. Other times, kossacks and guests will post diaries and videos on substantive issues and educational "seminars" that provide practical "how to" information, such as how to run a campaign.
DK VA Hospital Service Project
Dedicated to organizing donations of comfort items to VA hospitals, especially around the time and place of Netroots Nation conventions
DK Video Busters
A team of video techs, researchers and writers to create video responses to right-wing lies, disinformation, manufactured facts, threats and hate speech on any issues, including racism, sexism, climate deniers and teabagging policies.
We're a group dedicated to taking back the Senate from McConnell's obstructionist hands and to keep the House in Democratic Control.
The EcoJustice series discusses environmental justice: the disproportionate impacts on human health and all living things as a result of climate change, extreme weather, and pollution. A key focus of our writing is the environmental impacts on minority communities in countries around the world. A key tenet of Environmental Justice is that all living things have a right to clean, healthy and sustainable communities. Today, the concept of Environmental Justice extends to include such related issu...
Election Action Team It's Time
A action based group of wampeters, foma, and granfalloons, dedicated to electing more and better Democrats. We don't talk numbers or ratings; we write candidate diaries, register voters and attend our local Party meetings.
I follow and I Quote Meteor Blades in my Diary Group
This group is dedicated to publishing diaries which includes quotes from Meteor Blades in our current diaries as he is an activist author and cogent source of information whom the community readership values.
This group is created to promote news and information about Senator Kamala Harris and inform readers of her historic 2020 campaign's positions and events. *This group is not affiliated with the Kamala Harris Campaign.
Kitchen Table Kibitzing
Kitchen Table Kibitzing is a community series for those who wish to share a virtual kitchen table with other readers of Daily Kos who aren't throwing pies at one another. Drop by to talk about music, your weather, your garden, or what you cooked for supper.... Newcomers may notice that many who post in this series already know one another to some degree, but we welcome guests at our kitchen table and hope to make some new friends as well. Our kitchen opens nightly at 5:30PT/8:30ET.
Kos Katalogue
The Kos Katalogue is a community based project designed to highlight and promote Kossak's businesses, support Kossaks in general and to promote progressive businesses. The Kos Katalogue will be published near the beginning of every month (we hope), not just on major holidays. It encourages Kossaks to support each other and progressive businesses no matter what they celebrate (religious gift giving holidays [Christmas, Hanukkah, Eid, Diwali, Soltice, etc.], Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversari...
A group for the sole purpose of republishing (and, perhaps, occasionally directly publishing) particularly literary, well crafted, non-news related Daily Kos posts, in order that they may receive more views -- and, one hopes, more recommends. Exceptions will be made, but primarily this group seeks to promote carefully written and edited pieces outside the ordinary political fare of this site.
Military Community Members of Daily Kos
This is the gathering place for all military community members including veterans and their families. Our goal is two-fold: to publish diaries that help explain military life, especially family life, to civilians and to produce material that shows the military is not only culturally but politically diverse. Active duty family members are in a unique position, as we can freely express our political opinions whereas our active duty members are more likely to keep their mouths shut. That said, all...
Mojo Friday = Musings for Friday
For all the followers of TexDem and the lovers of all things mojo. And now, just for thoughts.
Moose On The Loose
Moose On The Loose is a Group formed to share both diaries and recommendations by Moose and Friends of the Moose. A place to display and share diaries on dKos. Sort of like Mom's refrigerator for Moose and Friends. The views presented will be as varied as the members of the group and no single view should be attributed to the group as a whole.
New Diarists
The New Diarists group republishes some (non-troll) first diaries and also posts tutorials about how to post diaries. One important New Diarists tutorial: Formatting, tagging, publishing, editing:
New England Kossacks
NE Kossacks is a social group of (but not limited to) DailyKos readers who live and/or work in New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont) Please "follow" the group to put it in your news stream and also ask for an invite so we'll have an idea of how many kossacks the group "serves."
Obamacare Saves Lives
This imperfect law is saving lives, preventing bankruptcies, giving hope and comfort to millions. This group aims to celebrate the victories, even as we work to strengthen and perfect the law.
Positive Intention and Lovingkindness
A space for vigils of positive intent for the greater good.
Pro Choice
Best article to learn what you're facing: Keep these links: Plan C Also Aid Access and Numerous successful assaults on the rights of women to reproductive health care and the right to control their bodies show that America is being pushed backwa...
Progressive Friends of the Library Newsletter
We advocate for social justice and equal library access for all. We support your local libraries and literacy programs. We also invite you to publish your diaries here that offer library news and support, book reviews, reviews of articles, as well as reviews of video games and other electronic media in our tech talk diaries. We ask for and offer reader guidance for the love of reading, for the love of books and for the love of everything which is your library experience. We also publish diaries...
RaceGender DiscrimiNATION
RaceGender DiscrimiNATION is a group focused on the historical and contemporary issues of prejudice, discrimination and hate based on race and gender as well as the intersection of race and gender. We will discuss the impacts on our rights to equality and fundamental human rights and freedoms in all aspects of our lives, including political, social, cultural, educational, personal and economic. This group's membership is at capacity. If that changes, group founders will send out invitations on ...
A positive and realistic group of Democrats who support President Barack Obama and his ability to deliver change in the face of a hostile Congress and unprecedented financial opposition.
Reality-Based Task Force
For people who understand political reality.
Repeal or Amend the Second Amendment (RASA)
Our group promotes informed discussion about repealing, re-interpreting, or amending the Second Amendment of the US Constitution, following the infamous Scalia-led decisions in Heller and McDonald. Re-interpretation under a Democratic-majority Supreme Court might be easiest. If that is not possible, then repeal or amendment may be the last recourse. (This is not the same as banning guns. Gun regulation could e....
The definition of SLUT seems now to be ANY WOMAN USING BIRTH CONTROL or ANY ONE CONCERNED AND FIGHTING FOR WOMEN'S REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (according to the GOP) FINE! We are sluts and PROUD OF IT As with "Slut Walks" we will own the word and take the power of the word away.
We are a group of women from all walks of life sharing our stories and discussing women's issues and rights with intersectionality to prevent erasure and preserve identities of all women. We are sisters in spirit, and we are taking back our narratives. Dominant culture narratives do not represent our lives; they elide, alter, and erase. We discuss the harms women experience when the dominant culture does not accurately consider, believe or hear women's voices. We will also celebrate the strengt...
Support the Dream Defenders
The Dream Defenders are fighting for justice in Florida. Their goal: To enact Trayvon's Law in Florida, which would repeal the Stand Your Ground law, ban racial profiling, and end the school-to-prison pipeline. We are a Daily Kos community with a goal: To promote and support those objectives, online and off. Current project: Improving and promoting the Michael Brown Over-Policed Rights Act, a Daily Kos community crowd-sourced project.
The North Star

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