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TexMex's groups.

Group Last Diary
Canadian Kossacks
This is a group to discuss news and politics and events north of the border.
DK Fans of 90 for 90
Voter registration and getting out the vote (GOTV) are critical to positive change in legislative bodies, from the very local level to the national level. Dr. Fergie Reid, Jr., and Brenda Hill started a movement in Virginia called 90 for 90, in honor of and inspired by Dr. Fergie Reid, Sr., who was the first black person elected to the Virginia legislature since Reconstruction, who served there for many years with distinction, and who recently turned 90 yea...
Environmental Foodies
For all who eat and are concerned about the environment, food security and food safety, and lots of recipes.
Friends of the Philippines
This is a group for all who care about the well-being of the Philippines, and self-empowerment of Filipinos. We're forming in response to the Typhoon Haiyan disaster, but this can also be that place on dkos for learning about issues related to the Philippines that the kossack community care about.
Kos Canucks and Friends
Interested in or curious about Canada and/or Canadian politics? Here's your group!
KosAbility meets the last Sunday of each month at 4pm PT / 7pm ET. We are a volunteer diarist community of, by & for people living with disabilities, who love someone with a disability, or who want to know more about the issues. Our use of "disability" includes temporary as well as permanent health and medical conditions, from small, gnawing problems to major, life-threatening ones. Our use of "love someone" extends to cherish...
Kossacks for Julian
This group is meant to collect and discuss diaries related to Secretary Julian Castro's candidacy for Dem nomination.
LatinoKos is a community for the discussion of Latino politics, history, and cultures here in the US, in Latin America and the Caribbean. There is no "singular" Latino/a community in the US. Latinos/Hispanics who are the nation's largest minority group, will according to census projections make up 29% of the U.S. population in 2050. As Democrats we need to focus more attention on these communities and the issues that affect them.
Mexican Kossacks
For Kossacks who live in Mexico, or have an interest in what goes on there.
San Antonio Kos
This is a group for Kos activists in the San Antonio area to connect.
Science education in America
This group is dedicated to the discussion and promotion of good science education.
This series is about raising funds for the International NGO known as Shelterbox.
We are a group of women from all walks of life sharing our stories and discussing women's issues and rights with intersectionality to prevent erasure and preserve identities of all women. We are sisters in spirit, and we are taking back our narratives. Dominant culture narratives do not represent our lives; they elide, alter, and erase. We discuss the harms women experience when the dominant culture does not accurately consider, believe or hear women's voices. We will also celebrate the strengt...
Texans For Hillary
Let's turn Texas blue in 2016!
TexKos - Takin' Back Texas!
Takin' Texas back and scouring the Petri Dish of Bad Government. Grab a Shiner. Help yourself to the TexMex buffet or the brisket. Now let's figure out how to fix this freakin' mess in Texas. Open to Texans and friends.
TX VOTE = Texas Voters Owning Their Elections- An off shoot of DK Fans of 90for90, to focus specifically on races in FL. All races, the further down ballot the better.

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