A man died today. He was a great man some would say. He was an honorable man others would say. He is deserving of sympathy, as is his family; some have already said. He should be mourned and the world is a lesser place because of his passing. A man...
by skyounkin
Comment Count 27 comments on Mon Oct 18, 2021 at 09:35 AM PDT with 10 Recommends
Let me repeat this — Sheldon Whitehouse belongs to a fucking COUNTRY CLUB THAT HAS AN ALL WHITE MEMBERSHIP!! Reich wing twitter-verse is having a goddamn field day w/ this There are days you just have to wonder just HOW UNBELIEVABLY DISCONNECTED FROM...
by skyounkin
Comment Count 68 comments on Mon Jun 21, 2021 at 05:46 PM PDT with 7 Recommends
No diary per se.  Just passing along the bad news. FUCK YOU 2020!!! Honest thoughts and well wishes to his family and fans.
by skyounkin
Comment Count 45 comments on Sun Nov 08, 2020 at 10:31 AM PST with 48 Recommends
I’m sorry if you have to leave.  I’m  sorry if this place that has been a home to you for the past 1, 2, 5, 10… however many years and you have to walk out the door.  I’m sorry that we as a nation had to do this to...
by skyounkin
Comment Count 21 comments on Wed Nov 04, 2020 at 10:02 AM PST with 19 Recommends
Yes, susan collins literally wrote the following tweet…. The USPS continues to be a lifeline amid COVID-19, especially for seniors, veterans, & those in rural areas who rely on mail delivery for essential goods. I sent a letter calling for the USPS...
by skyounkin
Comment Count 257 comments on Thu Aug 13, 2020 at 11:11 PM PDT with 411 Recommends
Seriously…. seriously…. every day…. every goddamn day I wake up and I get more and more disgusted w/ the train wreck of a presidency. Everyday is precipitated by the thought… HOW can it get worse, knowing full well that after 3 years of this criminal...
by skyounkin
Comment Count 20 comments on Wed Apr 29, 2020 at 05:51 AM PDT with 20 Recommends