Title Author Date Comments
It's high time: 6 Democratic governors urge Biden to push DEA to reschedule marijuana by end of year
Six Democratic governors have sent a letter to President Joe Biden urging the administration�to push the Drug Enforcement Administration to “reschedule”�marijuana as a less dangerous Class III ...
Charles Jay 12/07/2023 59
I was scammed and lost everything, don't let it happen to you.
So we decided to flee Indiana. For background, my name is Alexis, I'm a nonbinary trans person, married to my trans husband Ian, and we have 2 kids, Felix, aged 12, and Zinnia age 9. Indiana is currently attempting the "Florida Speedrun" insofar as it...
A Bleeding God 12/07/2023 101
Loyal, angry, and ready to break the law: How Trump plans to staff his Cabinet
In a lot of ways, it’s a dream job: good pay, great benefits, lots of power, and the ability to break the law with impunity. All it requires is surrendering your soul to Donald Trump. Axios ...
Mark Sumner 12/07/2023 56
Trump appeals ruling rejecting immunity claim as window narrows to derail federal election case
Former President Donald Trump is appealing a ruling that found he is not immune from criminal prosecution as he runs out of opportunities to delay or even derail an upcoming trial on charges that he plotted to overturn the results of the 2020 election....
Associated Press 12/07/2023 20
The ignorance of Liz Cheney
Despite the fact that I like almost everybody at Daily Kos have sharp disagreements with Liz Cheney in almost every policy area with only a few exceptions, I have strongly supported her because she has been one of the strongest and few republican...
Dem 12/07/2023 18
Do Biden and Harris need to propose "Radical Change?"
I got a shock a few weeks ago around a Thanksgiving table that my family and I did not get to share. Our plans for a happy turkey meal together had been dashed by the hosting family getting COVID only a few days before. Trying to make the best of a bad...
rflctammt 12/07/2023 23
Unholy Moses: Mike Johnson claims God chose him to lead America to a Republican promised land
House Speaker Mike Johnson, whose grand vision for America includes transforming every uterus in the country into a Pez dispenser, is convinced he’s the North American Moses who will lead his people to the Promised Land. What Promised Land does he...
Aldous J Pennyfarthing 12/07/2023 146
LYIN' LARA Trump Flips Charges (that Donald Trump is Running for President to Avoid Prison) to Biden
It has become increasingly clear that the primary campaign strategy of Donald Trump as he seeks to reoccupy the White House is a variation on the elementary school debate response, "I know you are, but what am I?" It shouldn't surprise anyone that the...
News Corpse 12/07/2023 11
Words of Wisdom from the Land of Ago
What I and many others would love to force MAGAts to hear. And force each of their five brain cells to grind away, and really think about: You had the nerve, the damned crass nerve, to tell me that you, you of all people were a patriotic *American*....
prfesser 12/07/2023 2
Is there something seriously wrong with the American electorate?
The short answer is yes. We have lost the ability to sort through disinformation and determine what is true. We have allowed a drum beat of lies to make us an angry people and lose our optimism. And now, we are teetering on a tight rope between...
Raven100 12/07/2023 159
PWB Theme Thursday: Naughty or Nice?
It’s eighteen�days till Christmas, and some of our furry friends are getting nervous!� Ai reely tried... Being cats (and woozles�and ellyfants�and horsies), it can be hard sometimes to ...
userexists 12/07/2023 137
Lara Trump projects all of Trump's corruption and motivations onto President Biden
On Wednesday, Lara Trump went on Newsmax as a surrogate for the four-time-indicted Donald Trump in his bid to become dictator of America. Lara was sent out to smooth over her father-in-law’s most recent disastrous interview where he literally admitted...
Walter Einenkel 12/07/2023 17
Another lackluster GOP debate fails to upend dominance of absent front-runner
Republicans held their fourth presidential primary debate, and once again, the likely nominee wasn’t on stage. Let’s be clear: Donald Trump is at nearly 60% in the national polling average, well over 40 percentage points ahead of Florida Gov. Ron...
Laura Clawson 12/07/2023 80
Texas judge allows Kate Cox to abort fetus with lethal abnormality
By Eleanor Klibanoff The Texas Tribune Sign up for The Brief, The Texas Tribune’s daily newsletter that keeps readers up to speed on the most essential Texas news. For the first time in at least 50 years, a judge has intervened to allow an adult Texas...
Texas Tribune 12/07/2023 139
New report unsurprisingly shows that profiteers have raised prices well above the rise in costs
A new report from progressive UK.-based think-tanks IPPR and Common Wealth says profiteering played a major role in jacking up prices far above the rise in costs, reinforcing a previous but narrower study showing such an impact. Among other things, the...
Meteor Blades 12/07/2023 148
Cartoon Corner First Thursday
It's that first Thursday again. �It's like it happens every month.� Longer than usual but too soon it ends. http://www....
ynohtnA 12/07/2023 7
Dear GOP: You’ll Never Wash the Stink of Trump Off You or Your Party. Never.
Dear Republicans, After the corruption of the Coolidge and Hoover administrations crashed the world economy, kicking off the Republican Great Depression in 1929, it took your party decades to rid itself of the stink. After Nixon extended the Vietnam...
thomhartmann 12/07/2023 198
The GOP and sexuality - They ain't your ancestors Puritans
Ok, it’s time to address the Republicans and their relationship to sexuality. In other words, it’s time to have the talk. Every time you turn around the Republicans are getting mired in many things sexual. Amsterdam has their famous red light district,...
Gutenberg 12/07/2023 16
The gag order's back, as is Previous Guy, prior to Monday's testimony in the New York fraud trial
"Trump is really here as a spectator. He did not have to be here until Monday when he's expected to take the stand once again," An angry Donald Trump called New York Attorney General Letitia James a "lunatic" as he attended his $250 million fraud trial...
annieli 12/07/2023 4
Son of Sen. Kevin Cramer (R_ND) caused a police pursuit with fatal outcome for a policeman
Is there an intention to kill implied? I mean mean he might have rammed the car intentionally. www.rawstory.com/… The adult son of Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) led police on a car chase that ended with the death of an officer. CBS News reports that...
ca cokz 12/07/2023 44
Trump expected to attend New York fraud trial again Thursday as testimony nears an end
He's been a frustrated observer, a confrontational witness and a heated commentator outside the courtroom door. Now former President Donald Trump is poised to return to his civil business fraud trial again, first to watch and then to serve as star...
Associated Press 12/07/2023 17
Caribbean Matters: Understanding Venezuela's efforts to seize two-thirds of Guyana
While most U.S. media has its international news attention trained on events taking place in the Middle East and Ukraine, President Mohamed Irfaan Ali of Guyana is making Caribbean and South American headlines. I doubt that most Americans would...
Denise Oliver Velez 12/07/2023 207
2 /s musings: Madge and Bobo Spat & Trump Thinks of Taylor But In a Good Way
The Madge-Bobo Spat "I'm the biggest hoe-wa in the en-tire legislature ever!" "In your dreams, I am; you're just the loosest cannon found in a pickup." "After your Scully Square redux in the theatre...." "You mounting that machinegun like you know how...
WhosKiddingWhom 12/07/2023 1
Ukraine: Looking back at US assistance and what we can learn from it.
With the latest political debacle in the US congress holding up aid to Ukraine, I wanted to take a step back and assess US aid in general to Ukraine. I’m going to come across harsh and critical of the US and by association the Biden Administration....
Peter Olandt 12/07/2023 62
12/6 Good News Roundup: Featuring Good News from DK Itself
I’m using my canned outline again, but I’m trying something new this morning—mining DK itself for goodies. We have all sorts of animal, politics, science, and other cheering Diaries to work with, and we can ignore the relatively few Gloom & Doomers. So...
Mokurai 12/07/2023 94
Washita Massacre of November 27, 1868: 155th Anniversary
The intent to commit genocide at Washita is hidden in plain view, unless key elements are brought together. These are: that the Cheyenne were placed on land where they would starve while promises to avert starvation were broken; that George Bent...
Winter Rabbit 11/27/2023 17
Promoting trophy hunting and banning abortion are part of the same agenda
Anti-abortion sentiments are unfortunately all too common within the trophy hunting community. The multimillion-dollar disinformation campaign funded by the likes of Safari Club International posted anti-abortion memes and spread hateful rhetoric...
JaredKukura 11/27/2023 9
My journey into the madness of Shakespeare Authorship Twelve Days of Shakespeare: Part 3
The third in a series which explores the evidence which Ben Jonson provides for the identity and biography of Shakespeare to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the First Folio. In the first installment I introduced Shakespeare’s friend and rival Ben...
Economaniac 11/26/2023 28
Americans Are Travelling To Mexico In Huge Numbers For Reproductive Health
The reverberations from the Supreme Court’s decision to end federal protections for abortion, continue. As access to abortion has collapsed for many Americans, many women have been forced to seek abortions in neighboring Mexico. What we are seeing is...
mizzambo 11/26/2023 46
WOW: Cultivating Empowerment and Going with the Flow
I received an unexpected gift this week, a guidebook of sorts, The New Bohemians Handbook by Justina Blakeney. One chapter, entitled Flow, encourages the removal of obstacles and protecting and enhancing the environment to support daily routines. I...
Pule4Puna 11/25/2023 59
WOW2: November 2023 Women Trailblazers and Activists – 11-24 thru 11-30
“If you’re a Black artist, you could paint a wall of smiley faces, and someone will still ask you, ‘Why are you so angry?” – Kara Walker, Black American artist and filmmaker ___________________________ . . WOW2 is a four-times-a-month sister blog to...
officebss 11/25/2023 24
What Do We Really Know About Shakespeare? Twelve Days of Shakespeare: Part 2
I have been working the last few years on a book about Shakespeare and the folio with a particular focus on Ben Jonson and the other figures who played a role with Shakespeare in the writing and eventual publication of the works. In honor of the 400th...
Economaniac 11/25/2023 48
Occult and Psychical Sciences:Native American Heritage Day is November 24🪶
🪶 🪶 🌕 🪶 Every year, by statute and/or presidential proclamation, the month of November is recognized as National Native American Heritage Month. In 1907 both Charles Curtis of Kansas and Robert Owen of Oklahoma were...
Angmar 11/24/2023 23
Twelve Days of Shakespeare
On November 8th, 1623, publisher Edward Blount registered 18 previously unpublished plays by the author William Shakespeare with the Stationer’s Guild in London. Jacobean England did not offer authors copyright protection for their work. Instead, the...
Economaniac 11/24/2023 28